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The cassocks, robes, and clerical clothing of the worlds’ faithful are meant to show devotion to a deity. Rich in symbolism and iconography, such garments serve as an outward display of divine allegiance and piety. Yet where most gods offer a uniform, the Lord of Lechery Hoarndaug takes a more eclectic approach. 

Upon entering the Divestibule petitioners immediately lose all clothing, including magical armor. These items are not destroyed, nor are they irretrievably lost. Instead, this sudden onset nakedness is due to a teleportation effect. The magic of the Temple instantly transports all of a petitioners’ clothing into nearby footlockers (see Room 69-B), each of which bears the corresponding petitioner’s name. 

Within the lockers, clothing and armor undergo a unique transmutation effect. Steel and leather become ribbon and lace. Breeches become banana hammocks, wizardly robes become scandalously low-cut maid’s uniforms, and breastplates are resized so as to lift and separate. Each transformation is unique, tailored to the individual, and fits its original owner perfectly.

Despite their new form, such transmuted equipment retains all of its former properties, both magical and mundane. A tiny fur bikini offers the same protection from cold as the bearskin hide it used to be, and a collection of narrow leather straps provides all the defensive power of the enchanted plate it once was. 

So if in subsequent Temple of Elemental Labido comics you spot Antipaladin wearing a gimp suit or Fighter dressed like a bunny girl, you may breathe a sigh of relief. They’ve found their armor, and are fully protected from the sexy ravages of the Temple’s denizens. 




I didn't expect Witch to have tattoos like that. Necromancer is also unexpectedly curvy. Maybe I just have a thing for white haired girls? Iunno. In the meantime, poor Antipaladin has no idea what to do with himself in a group scenario. I suspect that won't be a hindrance for too long.


The tattoos were a last minute addition--she looked like she needed something once I'd finished blocking all the characters in.