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There’s this wonderful tension built into sexy monsters, and Medusa is the poster girl for the trope. You see, depending on who you’re listening to, Medusa is either the monstrous offspring of ancient marine deities or a once-beautiful maiden punished by the gods. That second interpretation comes from Ovid, and what’s interesting to me is that it’s a Roman revision of the older Greek monster myth. 

That tendency to revise and to humanize lives on with GMs whenever we imagine sympathetic versions of monstrous creatures. This game we play tends to treat monsters as walking bags full of XP, but narrative-style play tends to reject that idea. We instead invent redeemable (sex) demons, misunderstood (but well-hung) minotaurs, and dragons that want nothing more than to make baby sorcerers. When we meet these strange inhuman figures, it’s only natural to engage our empathy and try to understand the monstrous perspective. For some players, an invitation to bed follows shortly thereafter. That’s a good thing for pinup artists and fetish sites, but I’ve got to wonder whether it’s good for a game. 

You see, the twin traditions of Medusa tend to butt heads in practice. A player might roll to seduce a dragon while a GM wants to play “monstrous creature who terrorizes the countryside” straight. Conversely, players might burst into the glade of the wicked fey with swords drawn, while the hapless GM just wanted to try a sexy nymph encounter for a change. My take, on the other hand, might be best expressed by a certain Old El Paso tacos spokesman.

Did any of you guys see the Neil Gaiman Beowulf?  Angelina Jolie's take on Grendel’s Mother is the best modern example I can think of. Even the characters in the film don’t know which tradition they’re dealing with: the demon or the lover. And for me, that’s the best way to play the duality. Lowering your defenses enough to schtup the monster ought to feel dangerous, and wondering whether you’ll be devoured or “devoured” ought to remain a tension throughout the encounter. In that sense, it doesn’t matter whether you actually switch frames halfway through and get unexpectedly attacked / unexpectedly seduced. The possibility remains open, and so the frisson of excitement remains. 

So how about it, gang? Have any of you guys ever made it with a monster? Was it safe sex, or did you wind up with a CR (☠) encounter? Let’s hear it in the comments! 




Caleb the Paladin had such an encounter, years upon years ago. It wasn't a 'monster,' per se, as his partner was quite civilized. The RP digichat he was initially created for was set in the Underdark, and as a result his paladin mount wound up being a riding lizard as opposed to a horse or other steed (he got to charge things while hanging from the ceiling, which was pretty cool). I don't remember the whole setup of the scene, but as Caleb was getting to upper mid-level (8 or 9th), there was need to bust the doors into the manor of some drow matriarch that wasn't following the 'rules' of the city, and Caleb was taking the opportunity to lower the Drow population by 1 or more by attending to their bounty on her. He and his riding lizard, however, are stationed in what is thought to be an escape tunnel by the ringleaders of this bounty hunt, as they'd rather not see Caleb get to smash his halberd into whatever the hell he wants to in the name of 'I was just following your guys' orders,' they want to save most of her stuff that might 'accidentally' get smashed if a paladin happens to see it. Fast forwarding an hour or so (while I'm chatting in personal messages to this or that player) and hey look, here comes a matriarch on her drider. There's a Scuffle, capital S, but after the lizard bites the face off of her mount and Caleb is demonstrating how much heft he can put behind a polearm, this drow decides to try diplomacy. From there, it becomes a scenario where he likes what she's been doing now that he knows more about it. At that point, he manacled her to the riding lizard and sent the both of them off to hide, while he dragged the drider back to the bounty hunters. "Sorry, guys, this is the only thing that came down the tunnel. I figured you all got her with an arrow." No one cares to interact with the paladin long enough to throw down a Sense Motive. As a reward for his endeavors, Caleb had a nice long chat with this drow, which eventually turned into a lengthy discussion about what was beneath the armor. Nothing rang Caleb's own Sense Motive alarm, though she was definitely the Lawful Evil type...so the manacles stayed on her wrists throughout. He found that it livened up the experience considerably. They had one or two more anatomy debates over the next couple days, after which he turned her loose and quietly laughed every time he heard drunken drow complaining about traitors in the taverns over the next month.

Nate Wright Jr.

Yes, this is good. I'm happy to see my favorite monster get some (literal) love in the comic. Kinda feel bad for that petrified guy, though. He's gonna need more than a "stone to flesh" spell.... Surprisingly enough, I don't have many monster seduction stories that I can recall. However, I am playing a Dead Suns game where I convinced the players to roll up members of the same band. My guy is the lead singer, and he's taking advantage of their planet-hopping adventures to sample in local culture as well as local... 'culture.'


Sounds like a good time! Drow having scandalous one-night stands with good-aligned creatures is hilarious to me for some reason.


Aw, we're playing Dead Suns at the moment too, and our party ended up being the National Enquirer in space. Not sure how a bunch of shoddy sort-of-journalists are supposed to be heroes of legend, but I'm enjoying the heck out of coming up with ridiculous click-bait stories for all the locations we visit.

Jayne Lindgren

I've unfortunately never had the pleasure, but I am a huge sucker for the "Cute Monster Girl" trope! I think it's because cuteness implies vulnerability, but monsters represent power. An attractive monster fulfills the fantasy of a partner who needs protection and who can protect *you* at the same time.