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I don't know how many of you play on Roll20, but I've been considering making some icon portrait sets for it, and I also wanted to do something special for December as a thank you to all of you who support Handbook during the year.  

Here's the deal: if you send me a description of your character by December 20th, I will create an illustrated 300x300px portrait for Roll20 for them, to be completed by January 1st.  The icons will be portraits similar to the above, so I only need descriptions of the character above the shoulders (but you can always tell me more about them, if you like).  I'll do one portrait per patron, and they will be finished in the order that I receive the requests.  If you're interested, you can comment here or message me with your character description and a brief idea of what kind of background would suit them.

Thank you again for your support!




Jayne Lindgren

You really are giving me early Christmas gifts! xD I already know what I'd like to ask, just need to figure out how to write it up~ Thank you so much for this!


This is a really fun idea! My character Alamus is an orc-turned prince. (He also can turn into a bear, but I'm not sure if that's relevant.) If I were to cite a visual reference it would be like an orcish version of Beast from Disney's Beauty & the Beast. Black princely hair and yellow eyes, wearing fancy clothes. That's all I got.


Dief Wakoom is a Fire Genasi Evocation Wizard with a specialty in Burninating. Formerly a slave to Drow in the Underdark (with the facial tattoos to prove it), his time in the world above is a wondrous vacation in comparison and he initially treats everyone as a friend he hasn’t met yet. Well, except for spiders and slave owners...


Ooh, I've never played a Genasi, but I've wanted to for ages. Can you tell me hair, skin and eye colors? And what sort of clothing he wears?


Rosa Starling is a Merfolk Inquisitor/Fighter, an ex-pirate Privateer for the Royal Confederate Navy and adventurer.


(Oh wow I'm blind and couldn't find the edit button) Who gave up her humanity to fight against horrors from deep underseas. She has dyed red hair and blue eyes. She has a deep scar on her neck that she tries to cover up, a memento from a near-fatal encounter with a wizard in a tower being besieged by dragons. She also wears an oversized tricorne taken from the captain of her old ship after he went all sacrificy-culty on the resisting crew members and was subsequently put down at the end of a campaign arc.


For our Iron Gods Game I've got a Kobold alchemist with the construct Rider archetype. The GM allowed me to choose an ape for the animal companion, so I reskinned it as a bigger robotic kobold. So could I please get a robotic kobold, with blue glowing eyes? It doesn't have any fancy apparel but maybe a B1G-K-M02 designation on the neck if you can fit it.


You know, for a while... I was thinking of all my various humanoid characters. But then I thought of something that would be amazing to have art for that doesn't. Back when I last played Eclipse Phase, I had an Uplift professor who was always lovingly referred to as "professor bird." It would be pretty great to have the bust of a corvid with more of the trappings you might expect from a person. Goggles with a band to hold them in place with various cyberpunk-esque effects or the typical cords of headphones to be tucked in under feathers near their ears would be pretty grand.

Nate Wright Jr.

Yo. Let me tell you about Doctor Meiosa, my pathfinder alchemist. Pardon the length of this, I just love talking about her :D She was born in Katapesh with a muddied heritage of mixed ethnicity, lacking her own cultural identity. What she did have, however, was a grotesque growth around her back that saw her cast out as a leprous freak. She was discovered by the cult of lamashtu, who welcomed her among their fold, their priests even operating on the tumor to reveal the writhing black tentacle that had grown just beneath her skin. Convinced that her deformity was actually a blessing, the young Meiosa took up medicine and later alchemy to explore and even enhance her unusual anatomy. Eventually, she took to hunting down animals and sentient monsters to steal their body parts, developing an addiction to going under the knife for more grotesque upgrades. A run in with a band of merciful members of the Pathfinder Society would lead to her joining their organization, but her desires and addiction would ultimately drive her exploration. Meiosa is a muscular woman in her early fourties with naturally tan skin and long black hair tied up in dreadlocks. Her body is covered with a lattice of surgical scars from her various upgrades. Most notably she has insectoid wings on her back, a black tentacle growing out of her right shoulder, a second pair of vestigial arms, and enough eyeballs growing out of her body to make her immune to flanking. When she imbibes her mutagen, her mouth expands (joker style) with a second row of shark like teeth growing in behind the first, and sharp claws grow from the tips of her fingers. Her mutagen also carries other side effects from time to time (Beastmorph Alchemist) with one favorite turning her eyes into blackened orbs capable of seeing in the dark. Her latest modification comes from a magical item called a fleshwarped scorpion tail that was grafted onto her body. When out in polite society, she wears a wide brimmed hat and bulky clothing to cover most of her modifications, and she wears a scarf around her face with her tentacle tucked behind it. But when it's time to throw down, she pulls the coat open and tosses the hat and scarf aside, with worn but functional traveler's clothing and a shirt of mithral for protection.

laurelshelleyreuss (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-07 18:40:22 I love it! I will get working on her <3
2018-12-20 05:21:42 I love it! I will get working on her <3

I love it! I will get working on her <3


Ack, I'm probably too late, but I want share the story anyway. As with many characters of those stricken with the Curse of the Eternal DM, Jester Viridian with Sanguine Smile was a character I made hoping to play, but ended up in NPC duty. She's an Adorjani Slayer from Whitewall. She was a part of the law enforcement there, tracking down a case of mysterious, increasingly bizarre and occult murders. Needless to say, a demon was summoned, and she was blamed for it. While an up-and-coming judge tried to overthrow the verdict (the story of a PC’s Exaltation), Jester Viridian was still exiled… in winter. Desperation and a feeling of betrayal helped her decide to accept the gift of an odd bunch of strangers (a decanthrope). The players, traveling across the North, began to notice this weirdly anonymous group of mercenaries called the Emerald Dancers. They dressed in bright emerald cloaks with hoods always pulled up, and they were nearly indistinguishable from one another (even to the Solars and Lunars of the party). This turned out to be a class of artifact related to the Jester. Essentially, while she wore the “parent” cloak, she could jump between bodies of any willing wearer of a “child” cloak. She didn’t specialize in anyone one weapon, but rather in using anything and everything to inflict destruction and death. The players had a fun time worrying about squads of Emerald Dancers, since they went down easily (as they were still mortal in body), but could hit really hard (if Jester Viridian with Sanguine Smile was currently inhabiting them). She’s shorter for a Northerner, only 5’6”, with short and raggedly-cut platinum blond hair (with a greenish tint, after her Second Breath), bright blue eyes, and an unnaturally long and properly-green tongue. The players always hoped, but never really believed, that it was really scarlet lipstick that she wore.


Obvious influences being [Mark Hamill's] Joker and [League of Legend's] Jinx.