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There’s nothing in the world quite so frustrating as brute forcing your way through a puzzle. There you are staring at the silly thing, trying to figure out the right order to hit the keys or turn the dial or cup the balls. It’s easy enough to simply say “we try all the combinations” out of character, but I’ve always felt a pang of sympathy for the poor in-game schlubs that have to go through all that tedium.

Take my megadungeon PCs. I’ll never forget the time they found a keypad with draconic numerals printed on. It didn’t take them long to figure out that it only accepted three-key combos. 

“Well hell,” they said. “That’s only 1,000 possibilities. Let’s try ‘em all!”

And so they did. Starting from 000 and climbing towards 999. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what not to do in that scenario. It was a demon-themed level, so it should come as no surprise that things went horribly awry when they arrived at combination 666. I believe the consequences were 12d6 sonic damage for everybody and deafness for an hour.

I just hope there’s nothing similar going on with Team Bounty Hunter. Setting off a trap in such a vulnerable position couldn’t be fun. On the other hand, since that’s the entrance to the Temple of Elemental Libido, maybe it could be extremely fun.

What do you think? Any good trap ideas for those elven Eiffel Towers? 




If they input the wrong series, they get transported into some guy's room in a whole 'nother webcomic. <a href="https://www.oglaf.com/brassknobs/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.oglaf.com/brassknobs/</a>