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I am perpetually amused by Ranger’s silent protagonist schtick. Must have something to do with being raised by wolves. Of course, despite her unconventional and (apparently) superlative climax, she isn’t really the big winner of this encounter.

When you make the big play and manage to do the impossible, it usually has a big splash in-game. You might luck out and KO that demon you really should have run from. You might collapse the mine, or manage foil the GM’s railroady assassination plot, or roll 0000 on that random magical effects table and explode the nearest star in a supernova. Of course, when the dice come up big like that, there’s more than in-game at stake. There’s bragging rights.

Take my group for example. The moments we talk about most often aren’t the ones where we did respectable average damage and conserved party resources. They’re the ones with exploding dice and decapitated balors. The ones where our doctor managed to convert a light switch and a half-melted sword into a defibrillator, saving a PC’s life. Bragging rights stories are those marvelous moments of good luck in the clutch, and every table has a few.

No doubt Bard will spend the next few nights talking to his fellow working boys about his latest client. “No shit guys. I bet I’ll get an eggplant and a recycling symbol out of her next time!” But I’m more curious about your stories. What are the “bragging rights” moments in your group? What are your proudest in-game accomplishments? Let’s hear it in the comments! 



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