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Colin has a different story about why players shouldn't be given explosives, but my favorite comes from our French Dragon-Riding Musketeers pathfinder game that we played a few years back.  While checking out a nearby village, we discovered that the proprietor of the local inn sold some seriously spicy peppers.  Colin, being the nice GM that he is, told us that eating one of the peppers would add 1d6 fire damage to any of the dragon PCs breath weapons if they used it directly after eating one. 

Our barbarian gold dragon bought an entire barrel, and then proceeded to eat as many as she could stuff down her throat at the next opportunity.  Subsequent calculations about how many peppers a dragon could eat at once led to the obliteration of several unsuspecting Spaniards/Elves.

Check out handbookofheroes.com tomorrow for the full post!




I love the little flier near the bottom... “Do not sell to this elf” looks suspiciously familiar...