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Remember not so very long ago when Fighter was--ahem--distracting Don Corneo? It’s no accident that Ranger was there in the background, giving the thumbs up from the door. Homegirl likes to watch, and that’s OK. She’s proficient in it after all. More to the point, some characters interact with the game world by taking a hands-off approach, allowing the other team members to steer the campaign. I’ll admit that this isn’t my play style, and that I have a lot of trouble understanding its appeal. But when I find myself sitting at the table with such a player, and when I catch myself thinking unkind thoughts — “Why are you even here if you’re not going to play?” —it helps to remember that not everyone is a theater kid. It can’t be said often enough: When it comes to TRPGs, there are different ways of having fun. 

Introverts and gaming are a natural fit. Here’s this perfect structure for social interaction. Here’s a mutual interest. A rule set for hanging out with friends that doesn’t depend on small talk. And notice that we’re using “hanging out with friends” as our primary goal here. There are plenty of other reasons to play, but at the end of the day this game we play is a social activity. We’re talking about something that’s fun to do with people you like. Why exclude just because you enjoy different parts of the hobby? 

In other words, Inquisidom and Magusub know that Ranger is out there. Do they draw the curtains? No. And that’s because they’re good gamers. 

So what about the rest of you guys? Have you got a “quiet guy” in your group? How do you help them to feel welcome? Let’s hear it in the comments!



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