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First there came a great many explanations. The intricacies of superhero life. The necessity of wearing the mask. The truth of a closely guarded secret. 

“So you’ve always been a horse?” 

“Unicorn, actually. But yes.” 

Then there were the recriminations. She grew tearful, hurt by his deception. Then she grew angry, incredulous at her own foolishness. 

“How could I have been so blind?” 

“Yeah… Your Perception score isn’t great.”

Next was experimentation. After all, how could it be that a simple scrap of cloth could hide so much? 

“You would not believe how hard it is to tie a mask with hooves.” 

“But you have hands now. I can see them!” 

“It’s a really good mask.” 

And finally, there came a question. The only one that really mattered. 

“Did you ever feel the same about me?” 

“Your Highness,” he said. He put one hand — or whatever it was — upon her cheek. “Why do you think I wear the mask? I admit, it was only to play the hero at first. To serve as some kind of counterbalance to the rampant munchkinry and murderhoboism plaguing this kingdom. But that could have been a one-off gag: a single panel from an errant Patreon poll, then back to business as usual. Just another loyal steed in the footnotes of another hero’s tale. But then I saved you. I kept saving you, over and over again. And each time I did, I grew more certain: I was still wearing the mask just to be near you. If we could not be together, then at least I could be your champion.” 

There were tears upon Elf Princess’s cheeks as she listened. Then there came the tinkle of glass. 

“Drink again,” she said. “I bought out the stall after all. This stuff is supposed to make us one another’s fantasy. And my fantasy is, and has always been, finding a way to be with the man I love.” 

“Unicorn,” he said. 

“Whatever,” she replied.
