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Potion of Cloud Giant Strength

— Off Label Use: Applied a douche, the user gains advantage on all Constitution saving throws to maintain stamina.

— Side Effect: Your orgasm produces bodily fluids appropriate to a gargantuan creature.

Elixir of Health

Off Label Use: When applied topically, reduces refractory period by 2d6 minutes. 

— Side Effect: Develop 1d4 new erogenous zones. Randomize locations.

Philter of Love

— Off Label Use: Used as eyedrops, you may detect eligible partners out to a distance of 60’ 

— Side Effect: All eligible partners appear to have a Charisma score of 20. 

Potion of Growth

— Off Label Use: Applied as a lotion, the affected anatomy grows to the maximum size allowed by your race (see chart for reference). 

— Side Effect: Consult a cleric if the effect lasts for more than four hours

Potion of Water Breathing

— Off Label Use: When applied as a lip balm, the user automatically succeeds at all Constitution checks to hold their breath during oral. The effect lasts for one hour.

— Side Effect: The user begins to suffocate if they stop oral before the duration expires.

Potion of Displacement

— Off Label Use: When applied to a condom, the wearer may roll for double penetration without the benefit of the help action. 

— Side Effect: On a roll of natural 1, go fuck yourself.



Michael Zemancik

Fun thing about this comic is that you can recycle the concept with different characters and potions. Here's one; Potion of Barkskin. — Off Label Use: When applied to the phallus it turns into thick but flexible tree bark. Treat the phallus as ribbed. — Side Effect: When you bust a nut you bust a literal nut. Testicle become Tree nuts and your partner may have to roll for an allergic reaction.


Oh my, always happy to see these two!