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They drank nectar spritzes. They nibbled on ambrosia salad. They talked long into the eternal twilight.

Said the efreet: “She has been absent from karaoke night.”

Said the fey: “I cannot think of the last time we sat in judgment of mortals together.”

Said the goddess: “It is no easy thing keeping up with friends of friends.”

After all, omniscience can only take one so far. Especially where other players in the divine game are concerned.

“Perhaps,” offered the efreet, “She is secluded in secret, plotting something nefarious.”

“Indeed,” suggested the fey, “I would not worry overmuch. There is always some subtle machination afoot.”

“In which case,” concluded the goddess. “I must find her out.”

And how better to track the movements of an adversary (even The Adversary) than questioning her catspaws?


They drank ales. They nibbled on perpetual stew. They talked long into the tavern’s ladies night.

Said the inquisitor, “Where is my girlfriend? She loves to pick out the rat bits in the stew.”

Said the fighter, “Check her scratching post?”

Said the ranger, “Shrug.”

After all, one puts bells on collars for a reason. For who can ever say where a cat has gone when out on her own business?
