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Hey guys, I'm (momentarily) back!

Back from where, some of you might ask 👀

In case you're not on Discord, my husband posted a small text on the private group, saying we became parents last friday!
TYSM for all your kind words there, means a lot, you are the best!!! 

And well, I'm still resting and we're taking care of the baby obviously, but I'm giving myself little by little the time to draw again! I even was able to finish these two! I've had a lot of Twilight Princess ideas lately...

Anyway, I should be fully back (hopefully) by next monday, because I'm planning to start my bday event that day!

And that means... free drawings! So, start thinking in your fave girls 😉






Congrats, that's lovely news! Hope you and the little one are doing well. (And thank you for the lovely work above, it's amazing as always!)