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Hi Everyone,

This month I can report that we now have an updated, much improved, clip ring gear for the OSR2 and SR6 twist modules. I am progressing the work to bring brushless motor tech into my machines, as I showcased in the recent livestream. I am also slowly getting to a point where I can release my Virt-a-Mate random stroker plugin.

Those of you who are on the Maker ($8) tier will have already seen the new and improved clip ring gear. This features a much stronger clip, and smoother grip features on the outside of the ring. Both of these improvements have been much requested for a long time.

My plan for this month is to get my improved random stroker plugin for Virt-a-Mate released. This will be a plugin that will move a female VaM character and an SR6 (or OSR2) in some six-axis modes of fun. I've already delayed releasing this a couple of months running, so short of flood, fire or planned national power outages I'm not going to delay again. 

Those of you who are on the Benefactor ($16) tier will have seen the work I have been doing behind the scenes with brushless motors. I am convinced that we can use these to make a new generation of stroker robots that are a lot quieter than the current designs that are based on servos. I am currently finishing off my dispatches for September and those will be up shortly.

All of my patrons will have had access to last month's livestream, which is available to watch back, in which I demoed some of the brushless motor tech I have been working with.

For my Supporter ($2) tier this month I will be livestreaming on Monday 24th September at 11pm BST (5pm EDT). What I'd like to do is be able to show you guys some of the stuff I've been doing with random strokers. I'll see you all on discord for that, so do try to be there for it if you can. I'll try to put as much as I can of the livestream onto YouTube afterward, but due to the nature of what I'll be showing I may have to censor a lot of it!

All the best!





Well, I'm glad you're doing all these things, it's so cool and masterful! I love your plans for this month! Good luck!