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Hi Everyone,

This month I've got the public reveal of the contour receiver that I released last month, and later this month I intend to release the updated random stroker VaM plugin.

As my patrons will already know, my latest release went live a couple of weeks ago. Although I'd lead with the release of the random stroker, I got the urge to finally finish and release a concept that I have been tinkering with for months now. This is an experimental alternate receiver for the SR6 that is contoured with the hips and midriff of a human female shape. 

Now that the SR6 design is at a relatively mature state I'm interested in exploring where we can go next. For example, I'm investing a lot of time into working with brushless gimbal motors, because these have the potential to be a lot quieter than the servos we are currently using. Likewise I'm interested in the aesthetics and feel of the devices, taking them beyond simply a tube that moves up and down.

If you really want to support my work and you're interested in knowing more about my day to day development work be sure to check out my Benefactor ($16) tier. I just released my newsletter for August, in which I talk about these topics in a lot more detail.

In this month's Maker ($8) tier release I want to finally get out the first iteration of my multi-axis random stroker VaM plugin, which has also been a long time coming. Stay tuned for that.

For my Supporter ($2) tier this month I will be livestreaming on Monday 19th September at 11pm BST (5pm EDT). I think it would be really cool if I can put together a brushless motor demo to show everyone, so I'll try to do that. We can also take a look at the contour receiver and talk about what sort of future machines it might lead to. I'll see you all on discord for that, and of course I will be sharing the video afterward.

All the best!





I love all those amazing things you do and I'm really curious how it's going to go in the future! Keep up the good work