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The purpose of this Patreon is to keep evolving and improving multi-axis stroker robots. I generally aim to get out a release each month and the result of that is finding stuff amongst my back catalogue of posts can be really difficult!

If you are new to my work this is the place to start. I have produced a comprehensive pack for both the OSR2 and the SR6. At the time of writing these contain the latest part designs and up-to-date photographs of each build step. I always recommend that new builders start on the OSR2 before moving on to the SR6 because it's an easier build and modular but both guides include a step-by-step assembly guide. Be sure to join the discord server as it's definitely the best place to get help or to swap ideas.

This is my $8 release for this month. You would not believe how much work goes into finishing up all of the little details on long documents like this. As you might expect I am done with document writing for the time being! I am keen to get back to the more creative stuff, so expect a lot more of that from next month.

OSR2 and SR6 could not have come about without the help of people like yourself, so I would like to say a big thankyou for your ongoing support!

Happy building!


(The files are protected with the june password because of an ongoing Patreon security flaw. Check your email. As a $8 or $16 patron you should have received the passwords in your welcome email, but feel free to contact me if you have any trouble finding them. The files are also available on my discord server.)



Peter Acworth

This looks great! I am curious how the performance compares to products available in this genre such as the handy or the infamous fleshlight launch?


Comparable performance to the handy currently, though smoother. Better than Launch and Keon. The mechanism is still being refined though so expect improvements in the short to medium term.

joe mcdonald

password doesnt seem to work for october 2023?


Check you're using the june password. DM me if you're still having trouble.


Check you're using the june password. DM me if you're still having trouble.

Steven Ludwig

I just joined and I need the June password so I can get the STL files for the SR6. Thank you!!!


It should have come in the greeting email. Check your spam. If you can't find it drop me a PM.


This is an incredibly good post. Thank you


Only 2.5 years in the making! 😅


What are the best servos to use? I've found cheap ones and 35kg feeltech for a good price.


The best place to ask this is over on discord


I am stoked to put the SR6 together!

Dark Cypher

I might have to start upgrading to a SR6 to celebrate!


Cant wait to get it working. So many cool aplications