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Hi everyone, I'm back... sort of.

It's been a week or so since I came down with the dreaded COVID and I'm starting to feel a lot better. My energy levels have been very low and the head fog that they talk about is definitely real. I want to say a big thanks to everyone who dropped me a message to wish me well. It definitely helped!

My problem now is that my work schedule is in tatters. The SR6 build plans are well on their way, but they still need a lot more work and I've still got too much of a sore throat and cough to record the power bus tutorial. I've got a lot of over commitments over the next two weeks as you might expect so my plan was to have all of this done by now.

I am going to have to put these releases back into January. Sorry about that.

I'm not going to go this whole month without releasing something though, so what I'm going to do is bring January's release forward. So, in the next day or so I will be releasing rod end bearing arms for the OSR2. These are a simple swap-out for the current grommet-based arms. They seem to work pretty well. Hope you guys like them!

In the meantime I hope you all have a great Christmas and I'll see you all in 2022.




Dark Cypher

Don't worry about the schedule we all want to see you well again above anything else! Glad to hear your starting to feeling better. Those ORS2 arms will come in handy thanks.


<p style="color: #008600;">Glad to see you back! Covid is terrible, it's sad that it didn't pass you by (((Get well and gain strength!</p>