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Hi Guys,

This month I am working to consolidate my latest hardware release, which I put out on 1st April. This time with a focus on helping you guys get it built.

As I mentioned last month, T-wist 5 is a new twist module that moves the heavy servo and awkward wiring off the receiver. It does this by driving the twist action using a cable running down a flexible tube. This works really well, and I have designed it to preserve simplicity as much as possible. For example, the mechanism works off a standard servo, just like T-wist 4, so the change is entirely in hardware.

This module is currently designed for OSR2 only, though I will definitely be releasing an SR6 compatible receiver in the near future.

The last release, on 1st April, was the STLs to build the T-wist 5. The upcoming release for the Maker ($8) tier will be a set of step-by-step build plans to accompany them.

My supporter ($2) tier members will continue to see my weekly (ish) livestreams in which I have been demonstrating this new hardware. I will also be using footage captured during the livestreams to put together a video showing how to put the new twist module together.

For my Benefactor ($16) tier I am pleased to say I am getting caught up after my time away. I am currently writing the March Newsletter, which will be out soon. This is for those of you who want to go that extra distance to support my work, or if you enjoy a deep dive into my creative process. March we be all about how the T-wist 5 came about.

All the best,




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