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Hey guys! I know you all are probably wondering what the hell has been going on with me- nothing bad health wise- But I just got my things recovered from being destroyed in a flood we had. I live in the midwest, and our winter was pretty bad, My cintiq got destroyed and I was without a tablet up until a few days ago (Warranties really do come in handy) most of my other stuff is destroyed, but I can get all that back, in time.. that on top of other things I really have not had enough time to focus on anything but getting the things in my life together.

I will still be holding request calls on the third, 4 more Diamond pictures are set to be published that day and 3 Golds, Due to my delay in getting these out, I will have them available to all patrons and I'll be sending out pictures to any previous requesters who may not still be around so that they get what they paid for.

Peace friends!


BBC Waifu

Yeah floods really suck, hope you did not lose anything non-replaceable. I've been thinking about ways to save you time---while keeping all your Patreons happy. You really should consider tweaking the Gold Tier. I'm guessing the Sketch requests probably take up a lot of time. You should instead grant Gold Tier members voting rights to a character poll. That way you can have a monthly poll of characters you yourself are interested in and only have to draw 1 picture for all the Gold Tier members.


Really sorry to hear that.

BBC Waifu

Hope the flood damage repairs are going well. Stay Strong!