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To cap the Christmas season we had a Hearth's Warming episode showing some of our favorite character's being together with family and friend's on that special day.  But we ended with something that long-time fans would certainly be curious about.... But we'll get to that.

The first panel has our happy main cast together with their loved ones.  We have the brother and sister duo of Fluttershy and Zephyr.  The Apple's are all together having fun putting up the Christmas lights . . . and . . . Sunburst visits Roseluck with a gift box.  Hmmmm.  Keep an eye on those two will ya?  We last saw them when Sunburst was working his day job and received a nice letter and picture from Rose.  Before that Sunburst saw Starlight and Gray together knowing his chances with her were slim... but Rose was always there. 




Sneaky Sunburst showing up in and outside Patreon in the same week... and also sneakily taking his sock marks off


And now we enter the love month. ;)