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They say boiling noodles is the easiest thing in the world.  Adorkable Twiggles thinks she can do it... but then maybe like many of us, she over-complicates it in her mind, then short circuits with all the possibilities of the stove exploding, catching fire, and the world ending as we know it.  Okay, maybe that is a bit extreme.  Luckily Starlight is around to give a helping hoof.  Boiling noodles it tough.  Haha!

When this episode idea came to me, I was tickled pink!  It seems like such a silly idea, but super relatable. It seemed to do well with people when released too! I guess people can relate.  How are you at cooking? Are you a chef, or more like Adorkable Twilight?  The name of this episode is a direct lift from a tv show that used to air on tv called, "How to Boil Water."
