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Zephyr and Ellen is a combo we don't see too often.  They work at the same store as Starlight, and they technically would run into each other all the time.  So let's see what they are up too.  

We've hinted in the past that Ellen hasn't been good with her dating record (what a shock in this series, lol) and so we get a new perspective from Zephyr.  He's always turned down and his life is always taking a step forward and two backward.  As he gives this possibly good advice, he says it while stealing Cindy's lunch from the fridge.  I was surprised most people didn't notice he stole someone else's lunch.  But it's the absolute perfect imagery of Zephyr.  He tries to do something right, while also self-destroying himself in another way.  We will see a lot more of him real soon. 
