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That is a long title, but it essentially asks what it . . . asks.  Do You Want To See More Doodles and Pre-Release Art?  (I know the answer, but I needed a reason to share this doodle for an upcoming episode.)

So what you are seeing here is a sketch for an upcoming scene involving Moondancer.  A lot of times, when you see something, you only see the final product and not the rough aspects of the drawing or the inside layers.  This particular drawing shows the inside layers.  The red is what is going to be visible and some of the purple will not be seen in the final product.  These inside lines helps the artist know how to draw the outer parts, such as the sleeves.

I will now leave you wondering what the heck this image is showing.  Any guesses?




I like it, more doodles and art. Looks like Moon, taking her sweater off or putting it on?


Don't see why not.


Moondancer takes off her shirt? I thought she bathed on that thing...