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Murphy (red) and Colin (brown) are back as Vinyl returns and plays just as innocent as ever in the occasion. 

Let's throw some background into this.  In a world where young people are thrown ever closer into the depths of the internet, many are seeing the temptation of "selling themselves" for profit online.  We're going to tackle this issue a little bit as Colin and Murphy try to stay relevant in the adult internet world from which they came from.  A world before anyone could just post their own content and had to come through middlemen.  We hope to explore the choices of the user as well as the deception of the middlemen to preying . . . wolves?  Is that the right word for this? 

We're not going to choose a side here, but the goal is to try and show it all.  It isn't glamorous and there is a price to be paid.  Let's just hope Vinyl figures out what is going on and makes a decision on what to do here.

Heh . . . we're a kids comic. 




What would Tavi say?

Borg Lord

Your commentary makes me think of https://xkcd.com/751/; the internet certainly hasn't gotten any less internety in the 13 years since that comic was drawn. No doubt if Vinyl wanted to go into that sort of streaming, she could benefit from ponies who know the business; it'd require some skills and marketing approaches that don't apply to game streaming. One would hope, though, that if she needed such guidance she could find sources more trustworthy than Colin and Murphy.