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Read below for your chance to help control the outcome of this story.  But first, the discussion.  Amethyst finally talks to Patricia and the reading audience gets to see the more of her then they ever have (still my biggest flaw not showing her more to let people build opinions of her before this moment).  Patricia essentially reveals her plans (why do villains do that?) and has left Amethyst in a tough position.  She really can't do much except.... That's where you come in.  Hear out my ideas, then I would love to hear yours.

Our first idea was to have Amethyst shock Patricia and ALSO run for Senator.  Maybe not beat her, but take away enough votes so Patricia loses and gets OWNED that way.  And um.... well that was pretty much our only idea at this moment. 

We didn't want to have Amethyst just out Patricia and we tried to make barriers so she couldn't just do that.  It's too easy.  We've built Amethyst to be smart, she is organized, so it would be best to have her outsmart her opponent, who in this situation is Patricia.

The negative for this idea is we did a political story in the past when Moondancer tried to run for city council and lost to Bonbon.  The whole story then was to mainly give Bonbon a win and to explore the perspective of the "loser" and their emotions and feelings.  I worry this story would be too similar with a political premise, but a totally different story and outcome.

Would love to know your ideas one what to do and how to handle this story.  If you like our idea, feel free to let us know or build off it!  I can give you story credit!




Option One: Patricia goes back to Amethyst trying to persuade her to stay quiet but instead of money promises to give her or help her to get the HOA President position after she becomes Senator. Option Two: Patricia doing anything necessary to keep the HOA position after Amethyst comes out that she knows the truth and may come after her… buys a house/property within city limits (she looks like she has money haha) and uses her influence as the HOA Pres. to make it look like she has lived there all along and comes up with some excuse for why she is at the other house to the public. Public not fully trusting Patricia runs a new election of HOA Pres. and Amethyst beats her.

Borg Lord

It seems though that the logical thing for Amethyst to do is to follow through on the implicit threat and report Patricia to the HOA; HOAs have a reputation for enforcing their bylaws to the letter, so it would make sense for them to invoke whatever procedure they have for removing an invalid president even if nopony outside of the HOA cares in the slightest. It might come down to a rules showdown where Patricia tries to block her removal with red tape and Amethyst has to find obscure provisions to cut that tape. I'm not sure if that would make a good comic, though.


Either go with your idea or have Amethyst actually out her somehow.

Ben Berlin

Patricia is awfully self-confident...maybe that could work against her?


Thank you :) I’m glad that I can help make it hard to decide for AT&F haha they also had a good idea for the story. Thinking about it now I think I like 2 more. I wanted to get my idea on paper so to speak.


It's... very hard to come up with ideas when nothing else is known about Patricia yet. Her personality, her relationships, the plan for her future character arc, none is known to anyone. If I were to write the story: After this confrontation, Patricia secretly makes first move to investigate Amethyst's past to find blackmail material, because she knows Amethyst can't be bought out and could be a possible risk. Readers don't know about this yet, because storyline after this episode would naturally flow towards what Amethyst would do next. When Amethyst's plan starts to gain traction (like running for senator), Patricia knows she has to take action. This is when the reader knows she has investigated on Amethyst already, and she is going to use it. Maybe the Rodney incident. I'd assume Patricia is the type that plays dirty, so if she knows Twilight involved in this plot, then she'd definitely use Twilight's good name as hostage. When the election draws near, Amethyst's smarts and organized approach allows her to get a surprising amount of votes. However, Patricia threats to blackmail. Amethyst is placed in another dilemma and eventually decides to lose, and maybe even has to leave the town. So my thought process is: This makes the protagonist fall into the losing scenario, but the situation is different than when Moony was in election. The villain is still riding high, so the plotline won't simply stop. And if Twilight knows her involvement played a part in Amethyst's ousting, the stake is even higher, and she has to push forward her fight out of conscience. Lots of potential follow-ups.


If only I can be way less lazier than how I am right now :P