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I love this episode!  It introduces a new character for when we start to show more of what Twilight does "at work."  We give a few details that she comes to the courthouse "once in awhile" where she has an office to do work.  So she does something government related for Equestria.  I know I've told y'all what she's done before, but it might have been years ago.  How I view it, is she is some sort of ambassador or friendly relations or something.  We'll see more of her office and her goofy fellow employees like Grace Manewitz, and Isabelle over time.  Also we introduce Wyanna.  Why that name?  We were trying to find something with a 'W' and we found very typical 'W' names, and then just sort of made up our own.  Dorky, yes.  But it will work.  

This is the second time I've been able to use this courthouse drawing in a comic!  I'm so pleased we didn't go to all the effort to only show it once.  We are also teasing the idea of "establishing" shots, which is exactly what panel one it.  It shows you the location of where the characters are.  You might see us doing this more often, to give Ponyville more depth and character as a town.  

The flag on the flagpole is the FLAG OF EQUESTRIA.  We've shown it before, but purposely never show it in full so no one really knows what it looks like.... okay, I take that back, we showed it in full once.  It's the typical flag you expect for Equestria.  We might retcon it and change it later.

Any thoughts on Twi's job, the establishing shots, Wyanna, or my courthouse I am still very proud of drawing (lol...sob)?  Love to see your comments below if you have anything to add. :D  Have a great weekend.




The beginning of this episode I could picture it having a sitcom show fade in with a jingle showing the court house like everybody loves Raymond or Seinfeld or something. You know how they always start the scene with a picture of the location. Definitely enjoyed this one! I think the detector is made to beep on mares walking through… maybe spike could part time work with the officer lol.


What is that yellow bag thing? I'm afraid to ask...


It looks like the security guard never got her cutie mark. At least she found a job. In Euquestria, having a cutie mark would probably be a good thing to have on a resume.


Cutie Marks come and go in this series. Sometimes we draw them, sometimes we don't. We've sort of been eliminating them though for whatever reason. :)


Another disadvantage of not having fingers.