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It's a Moon, it's a Twi... no it is Moondancer!  I'm not sure if this actually fooled anyone initially, but maybe it did?  Lol!  I was always surprised Moondancer never had a second episode to follow up on how she is doing, and I am surprised how they never talked about her and Twilight's visual similarities.  This of course plays on that very fact.



Stefan thyr woller

Felt odd to just have the one episode with moondancer

Stefan thyr woller

It really kinda does... 🤔 And maybe it's because of the fandom, but she feels like she a main character, just wished she had gotten more episodes and that they had also dragged tempest shadow and sunset shimmer into the show some more (Are we gonna see any of does at One point?) But I think that moondancer fits quite nicely into your Series ☺️


For a moment, I thought Twilight was wearing fake eyebrows and glasses like Groucho Marx.