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This one conflicts me and everyone.  I'm not sure the idea translated well from idea to final product.  It doesn't help that panel four, Twilight's expression can be puzzling. 

Initially the comic was purely going to be based on what Twilight hears in the first panel and it would end with Rarity pointing out all the good things Twilight has in her life.  While we did that, it somehow comes off as if Rarity isn't completing Twilight so much as she is schooling her on reality.  Then Twilight's expression in panel four seems to show that she doesn't like being "told" reality by Rarity.  

Twilight's expression is actually as such because Rarity says to "(not) compare yourself to others" which she than compares Twilight to others in panel four.  Twilight's expression is more towards Rarity's hypocrisy than Twilight being upset with Rarity for pointing out all these good things in her life.

That's on us.  We didn't translate it well and it actually makes Twilight seem a bit snotty, or elitist.... which is fine if people see it that way too.  You can't have a Mary Jane character who is perfect.  So if people can see traits in Twilight they aren't fond of as well, that's fine.

Hopefully all that made some sense.  It is what it is, and we can't change what we published.  By the way the two background characters in panel one are Marie and Apple Cobbler.  Marie has appeared often in the background in our series, often as a friend of Serena's and working at Hay Burger.  She was actually one of the first characters to appear in the series that wasn't Twilight. 




While I did misinterpret Twilight expression, I didn't dislike her for it. It can be annoying when you are sad because of some subjective reason and then someone lecture you why you have no visual objective reason to be sad. Honestly, it is more annoying if they are right and you know it, since it can make you feel like your pain isn't matter or isn't justified (not that a pain need justification, but emotions can be pricks)


Why can't it be both? That makes perfect sense to me.


Cushy goverment job, how familiar.


Trust me, I have so much not together, Twi.


I agree it’s definitely both. Comparing yourself to others we try not to but throughout life most people do. Plus the look twilight has in panel 4 is perfect it conveys both dissatisfaction in herself and maybe slight resentment towards rarity for pointing things out? In the moment we never like it when someone tells us things like rarity is doing to twilight because in reality she does have a lot to look forward to and has a lot. It’s only natural though especially in matters of the heart to want more and in society as a whole we do expect things to happen at certain milestones of our lives like meeting your significant other and raising children, being advanced in occupation over time etc.

Borg Lord

And on a related note, Twilight, stay away from social media; nothing good comes of that either.


Thank you! You guys make it easy with good details and great writing ;)