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It was interesting, because when this episode came out, many people started HATING on the Cake's.  The Cake's are good ponies and when writing this, we tried to make that abundantly clear, but the some in the community didn't catch in on it.  We will find out in a future episode how "nice" the Cake's actually are.

The first tall tale sign of the Cake's not wanting to raise Pinkie's rent is... well, they are uncomfortable about it.  She is their employee and even more, a family friend.  She lives in their building and takes care of their kids.

Let us go into what Mr. Cake says.  "You've worked here awhile now and we love having you here, but, things are getting tight."  If you will recall, the Apple's had a similar situation with money getting tight earlier this year.  

But back to the this story.  Mr. Cake than says, "We need to raise your rent to this amount," and proceeds to show her the amount on a card.  Pinkie understandingly upset responds by saying she can't afford that.  Mr. Cake assures her that, "Mrs. Cake and I want to talk it out with you.  To be fair."  

They aren't just throwing her under the bus.  They love and respect Pinkie and of course wouldn't want to do this... but renting prices fluctuate and they have to pay bills too.  Thankfully the Cake's want to be as fair as they can with Pinkie.  We will see how that plays out in future episodes.  I guess I was just shocked how many immediately piled on the Cake's for being horrible ponies.  I love seeing how views and opinions differ so much while reading the same material!  I can't wait to get into the Pinkie Pie arc you all voted for!  It's going to be wild and very relevant to the times, without getting too REAL. It is still a pony comic after all. 




Yeah I love this story and my heart goes out to both the cakes and pinkie plus I’ve been in a scenario like this before. Receiving end not giving so to speak in terms of paying rent. Anyways, I think cartoon/comics/kid friendly material shines the brightest when able to teach a real world lesson while then not losing it’s identity as kid friendly media. Now as an adult I completely notice and respect how the cartoons I loved watching and seeing in a new light when scenarios like this occur. I always like it when writers are able to extend their prowess and not told to water down a story due to not connecting with a child audience which is usually a choice from some suit and not the writer themselves but anyways (kids can be pretty smart and sometimes cartoons are dumbed down to much) anyways these arcs in my opinion have been a huge success! I love them anyways haha.


I totally sympathize with them both.


Thank you, Spytro! I enjoyed reading what you said greatly. As you may have noticed, we've gone in a more story-driven style as of late... and I am pretty happy. No one has commented on the lack of comedy yet! :D