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So I figured I would let you, the Patreons, decide what you want to see next.  Is there a certain story arc you want me to establish or go more in depth with?Maybe a character you want to see more of, or even a totally new idea you want to share, lets hear it.  You can message below or message me privately.  Hope you all have a nice week as well.


Luis_El Oso_Graciano

Maybe a little more Octavia / Vinyl development? Why Is Octavia Keeping Vinyl as a roommate and why she doesn't just leave if they really are so incompatible?


More Starlight Glimmer is always fun too X3!


I always love seeing Starlight Glimmer make an appearance – her interactions with Spike are great, just as hinted at in the S6 premiere. But I'd also like to see more Tavi / Vine development as suggested above.


I wished that season 6 would have involved more character building with Spike and Glim Glam. I guess that is for comics to do. There is actually a Tavi/Vinyl character progression comic coming up sometime next week. It is already scheduled. There are plans for them to have another arc here soon. It's been tossed around. :)