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After a bit of time, we jump back in the "moss" story arc.  I made a mistake.  A horrible mistake.  I created a "villain" (Patricia) but spent next to no time ever showing her character or who she is.  I showed her years ago, but never recently.  I made one of the dumbest mistakes in writing.  I am presenting a "villain" no one knows or cares about.  

So in my foolishness, to try and remedy this, I will have to implant her into the story to give her character meaning and a reason for people to either dislike or like her. Part of me trying to remedy that is by showing Patricia's portrait here.  Also a silly tidbit, that portrait is Patricia's picture directly from the AT&F wiki. Hoping people would look her up and see her if they were trying to figure out who she was. You can really see this is a desperate attempt on our end to try and play catch up to a mistake we made.  

See the weird stuff that goes on behind the scenes?  What I do like about this episode is showing some of Twilight's not so great negotiating skills.  I was also happy to show Bonbon and Spike conversing in the work place as well. 




Oh, I thought you were doing that intentionally? Like how, in a Zelda game for instance, you usually never see Ganon until the very end, but you KNOW he’s the big evil bad guy because you hear about him constantly and see his influence everywhere. So it sort of shrouds him in an aire of maleficent mystery the entire duration of the story, and it builds and builds until finally you meet him for a dramatic showdown. So yeah, I just thought you were taking a Ganon approach to Patricia this entire time. (And also that you might subvert our expectations of who she is by having her be not-so-bad once we actually meet her).

Stefan thyr woller

while we have not seen much to her, i feel like we have heard a few of the other ponies talk about her enough to know that she is a villain of highest quality... 😈

Stefan thyr woller

I thought Twilight worked in some high government official position... Couldn't she just use some of that power to kinds her 😅 Or is her role only symbolic 😅🤔


So I want to start by saying panel 3-6 spike is just the best! Teases twilight in a classic adorkable fashion. Then player spike is just that using his friendliness and charm to get what he wants. Plus because of the type of Red used for Patricia and with open questions about Lawrence I’m getting vibes that maybe that is his sister or perhaps his second identity (cross dresser) but I lean more towards sister. Plus with spike investigating and being protective of twilight about her relationship it would get spicy real quick and make for good drama within the series.


She does have some government job thing. It's always been pretty mysterious in this series, but it does require her to go to the courthouse occassionally and take business trips. So.... who knows? lol


Okay, okay, lol. We actually do have a description for her job. So in the tv series she is the "Princess of Friendship." But how we have grounded that title and position is that she is an ambassador for relations with other nations. So occasionally when she goes away, she is doing official government work. She goes to the courthouse locally because they have an office for her to do stuff she can't do at home. We've never actually said this, but that is our brief head-canon as to what Adorkable Twilight actually does. :) Is she a princess? No... that never existed in our timeline. There is no princesses. But I do look hecka cute in a tiara...

Stefan thyr woller

Well I be damn 😅 Didnt expect this answer, but does make senses, as i didn't get the princess feeling and pony's doesn't really treat her like a princess 🤔 Quite a nice take on her role and title ☺️


Thank you. I love reading through comments that think she is a princess living in a castle too when we've never provided any evidence to that. ;-)

Stefan thyr woller

Had figured out she didn't live in the castle a long time ago, as you have also shown her house multiple times...as well as her front door, my best guess is that her House got a minimum of 4 bedroom (1 for each member of the household), 1 living room, a kitchen, hopefully more then one bathroom 😂 I just wasn't sure what her job and position was 😅


Interesting you bring up her house. The past few weeks I've been toying with the idea of actually mapping out the interior of her house. Where certain rooms would be, how many rooms, upstairs, downstairs, etc. We already have a rough idea of certain areas like the front door, or the kitchen and tv room, but how to they all connect? This is something I have wanted to make so the series can be more continuous in how we show rooms.

Stefan thyr woller

Sounds like a great idea 🤔☺️ Would be really interesting to how the house is mapped, 🤔☺️


There's a very general idea about the downstairs layout. We all have a rough chart for what is in each characters room and how it looks, as well as which colors to use. But then I realized . . . I've never shown a stairway. So there are some issues such as that that would have to be resolved. Where is Spike's room in relation to Twilight's? Where is her personal library that has been mentioned? Where does Starlight park her car? We know her neighbor on one side is Amethyst.... who is on the other side? ;D So many questions! I've enjoyed blabbing to you.