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I've got to be honest.  I am not a huge fan of this one.  It doesn't look particularly good and appears rushed and lazy, even though it wasn't... which makes it even worse in my eyes, lol. 

We've been wanting to bring up how Lily was very good at volleyball back in her school days, but we've never been sure how to bring it back in the series.  This was our attempt.  

It gives Lily's characters a bit of edge and aggressiveness, something we don't see from her.  I'm still debating if that fits her or not... I think in a competitive setting it's okay.  Just another piece of her character.  But beyond that, I have no clue to to have Lily and volleyball appear more often.  We just want Lily to appear more and don't have many reasons to show her... which stinks!  lol!




Maybe (not sure how) have like a festival or a local sport Olympics in town and have a competitive showdown between applejack & rainbow dash vs lily & maybe moondancer? and one of the sports being volleyball. Kinda just spitballing but have other ponies involved for other sports maybe like a short comic arc or something.


Moondancer is definitely one to have shown some good strength and dexterity during the series


If anything means more cute Lily, I won't complain. :)