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This was arguably our best rated episode of the year thus far.  In times of division, something we stray away from, something that brings us to common ground is music.  Everyone likes some form or music and we can all enjoy it together.  For many, it's music from our childhood or teenage years.  Some love 70s, 80s, country, rock, MLP fan-music, whatever!  Lol! 

So while being the closest we've ever come to a politic statement in one of these comics, that isn't the goal.  We are united and more similar than we are different.  Plus... who doesn't enjoy some good music?  

Cheers Adorkable Patron Pals!  You have all really stepped it up this month and thank you to those who increased support their support!  

So let's dive deep into every single panel.  First off, we had so many more genre's and radio station types that we wanted to include, but we may revisit this idea in the future again. So we stuck with some common ones that everyone knows.  We wanted Starlight and her car to not move from their position, but the clothing, items, and scenery around her to change reflecting what she has on the radio. 

Panel one is traditional, normal Starlight in her Volvere listening to a boring local traffic report.  Ponyville is surrounded by forest, so it is common the background would be amongst forest.

She changes the channel to some country music, and the background reflects that.  Some good ole' farmland out her windows.  A cow-pony hat, some what, flannel shirt, and a tiny little mirror extension.  Those mirror extensions are common for farmers and rancher's towing a long trailer so they can see further beside and behind them.

The next two panels reflect opposing radio stations common in American culture today.  Conservative radio is the largest most listening to type of media on radio today, second only to country music.  The first panel has a conservative view of Starlight with her values, clean car, and some fun little bumper stickers.  Of course there is an Equestrian chuch and Equestrian flag.  You know what they say, God, Guns, and Country... oh there is a fun in her back seat. Bet you didn't notice that! She changes and moves to the polar opposite.  A more progressive Starlight, listening to left-wing commentary and public radio.  Her car has mary-jane or vape smoke pouring out.  Her car is now loaded with expected stickers and logos all around, but as in other panels, all vague enough as to not promote any one position.  The background also becomes more urban.

In the fifth panel, Starlight goes to a heavy metal radio station, thought she looks like a mix between a goth, rocker, alternative, vampire mare, lol.  I'm not sure what happened there.  She even has little sharp teeth for some reason.  Note the guitar in the back seat and the sticker on the rear window as a reference to the birth of grunge music, Nirvana.  Finally we end with Starlight featuring a look that is sort of a mix of 1980s, 1990s, though it could be any generational look.  But she happily listens to this station since it's the music from her era, her generation.  I think that is a feeling we all can understand and feel comfortable with.  

If you want to point things out I didn't mention, feel free to share comments below!  What radio stations would you have liked to have seen?  I personally wanted to do disco and punk rock Starlight... OH and electronic Starlight with tron glasses.




I know I don't mind country and rock on the radio. ^_^ Also, I wonder what commercials she'd hear.


I wonder how the radio is in other cities


A Punk rock glim glam and a Electronic/Dubstep Glimmer are really good ideas! Definitely have to revisit this idea! Lets be real it’s fun to put pones in our clothing/styles.


Oh no… I just had a thought of Starlight but in an Elvis gitup. Have her mane combed up for the hairdo. Lol I could ironically see that. Of course a beret would be classic but I immediately think of a military beret.