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We all know Twilight isn't a master chef... and quite honestly, I'm not sure what she even cooked here.  Is it like a bowl of melted cheese with pasta inside it?  

This episode has a nod or two towards a well-known niche person who reviews military meal kits.  They post their reviews on Youtube.  These types of meal kits are usually referred to as MRE (Meal Ready to Eat).  Other country's use different names.  Our variant for Equestrian uses MME.  Short for "Military Meal Kit."  Seems legit. 

But that of course wasn't the basis of this comic.  The basis was still Twilight's cooking and the reaction her room mates would have.  Of course Moondancer would be prepared. 




A bowl of melted cheese with pasta in it sounds tasty, though. Maybe the cheese is burnt and the pasta is practically raw?


On a side note, I'd love to see Twilight producing an ASMR video while cooking the meal kit...


Oh cool, I know the MRE guy too. Poor twilight, maybe try sticking to recipes with detailed steps?

Horatio Pitt

I half expected Twilight to go "This tastes disgusting and rancid. Let's try another bite." in the spirit of Steve :).


Nice flank shot