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Happy Valentines / Happy Saint Valentines / Hearts and Hooves Day / International Singles Day!

So let's just say you were going to receive a little gift from someone, like flowers, chocolate, a card, etc.... What would you like to get on this day?  Don't worry, I won't judge. And whether or not you got a special someone or not, you are loved. :) 



Borg Lord

My top choice would be chocolate with absolutely no implication of possible subtext. Subtext is not tasty like chocolate is. The best Valentine's gift I ever actually got was from the global pandemic; last year not going anywhere or seeing people meant I didn't find out it was Valentine's Day until the day was nearly over. Being aromantic, and sometimes a bit insecure, I don't have a high opinion of Obligatory Romance Day.



Ben Berlin

I'd say either something chocolate, making or eating a nice dinner (might be a fun couple activity), or a new book. I am single(available and looking ladies/mares) and to this stage of my life, most of my Girlfriends have been either the schoolyard crush variety or imaginary (like Twilight Sparkle for example-"le sigh").


I like doing fun and interesting things, so a surprise experience would be my top choice, but it's hard to say no to good or great chocolate (as long as it isn't the terrible cheap chocolate)