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Today we are releasing the last AT&F episode of 2021, then tomorrow will prep the viewing audience for the "Best of 2021" as voted by the fans.  I must say, this year... I don't agree with most of the top picks.  lol! So that leads me to this... would you like to see the top 15 or top 10 as hand-chosen by our AT&F staff?  Note that our picks will probably be tied to silly things like memories, art quality, and story development.  If this interests you, let me know and we can get this done!  Otherwise, tune into Tumblr starting January 1st, 2022, as we count down the Top 15 episodes of the past year.  It continues on January 2nd when we count down Derpibooru's top rated episodes as well.

There is no denying, Tumblr is as our main outlet for AT&F is a declining platform.  Engagement is down across the board, as is Derpibooru.  But the real excitement is the mass growth and engagement numbers we have on Twitter.  Our newest platform is already destroying any records Tumblr ever held.  So in the near-ish future, expect our main platform to eventually shift there with new episodes first, and Tumblr following second.  Let us hope with new pony-themed shows, we can attract even more followers for an exciting new year! 

Thank you first and foremost to our Patreon’s. (ALL OF YOU) Patreon has been the most active it has ever been, and we’ve had more support here than ever!  Thank you truly for all you contribute in the success of AT&F.  Seven years of AT&F and we are entering year eight.  That is insane!  Thanks for the success and the wild journey!  I wouldn't change anything about it. :) 




Well at this point you guys can probably guess my answer… I’m a yes vote for the staff’s top picks! With the message about what ended up being the fan favorites makes me interested in which ones got to the top! :) I’d have to say it’s probably a lot of fan service in those top likes. Which I’m glad that your work is liked for sure but I can see it is a little disheartening when something that has a little more heart/story or delves into the nerdiness of the series with facts or details from past comics may not get the same attention. All I can say to that is cheers to the next year topping this good year and glad you guys are definitely keeping an open mind about moving platforms not that tumblr is bad but definitely in reach there is better alternatives as far as being your first post site. THE DAY WILL COME FOR AN AT&F DISCORD MUUHAHHAHAHAHA!!!


I agree with Spytro, and I want to add that I care more for the reason you like the comics than just a list (even if it means reduced number of entries)


We do have a Discord and a Reddit! No one here visits the Discord, and the Reddit is still active.... as in I check it once in awhile. ;D We'll see what happens in the new year. Thank you for the super thoughtful response on all of this!


I was wondering about discord and if it was hiding somewhere in some comments that I overlooked.


The fan service is fun but the story driven comics tend to be my favorites. Looking forward to the upcoming year!


Oh I’m not sure. I was remembering back when AT&F sent a message about the pony mobile game code to join their group and they made a joke about discord. I didn’t think they had a discord. I guess they do. Sounds like it might not be used a lot though. I don’t know.


Why not both?

Luis_El Oso_Graciano

I think getting the top 10 staff favorites would be neat! And maybe just the top 5 popular ones

Luis_El Oso_Graciano

As for Twitter, I say go for it, you guys might as well batch post episodes to catchup asap and just start posting cross platform


I'm so daft. That makes sense what you said now, lol. Well the fan one will happen no matter what. :D It's already done and a tradition each year. But now we will work on the staff one too. :D