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This is going to sound silly... I couldn't make episodes for next week because.... the heat.  Lol.  Yes.  We're experiencing a record breaking heatwave and I could not really work comfortably in my work studio because it was constantly 90 degrees in there.  I have no AC and a fan couldn't cut it.  So I am sorry.  Lol.  I pretty much wasn't on a computer all weekend.  As for the heat, 3 days of 100 degrees or more, plus several days of 90s.  Consider this, my region has only hit 100 degrees 4 times in it's entire known history of record keeping... we are having three days of it now. 

Thankfully the heat wave might end at the end of this coming week?  Maybe?  But I do want to try and have something better then reruns this week.  I do have one finished comic I could release, but it would totally break up the immersion of Spike/Lily events and I don't want to do that.

So.... how do you all deal with the heat? Oh, and there is a bucket of rotting fruit and veggies you can throw at me. 



AutoKnight01 (Princess Deadpool)

I’m a born and raised Californian. Heat is nothing new to me but it sure is a b**** to deal with. I hope you can beat it soon.


Stay safe in that heat fam! Being from Texas I definitely know how dangerous it can be- keep hydrated and don't worry about us here until this passes. We can wait, your safety and comfort is infinitely more important.


Okay, you're a native Calfornian. How do you beat the heat if you don't have AC and only have fans? I closed all the windows, pulled the shades down, but it's still ridiculously hot inside.


I always like to buy more cold treats like ice cream or slushies to beat the heat!


Thank you. I feel silly making this a reason, but I'm a heat wimp, lol. I know you had to go through many Texas heat blasts. I've been to Fort Worth when it was 102 and melted, lol.


Don't feel silly, heat waves can be deadly. Hydrate hydrate hydrate and if you're feeling burnt up, light headed, or weak, take a break immediately to sit down and try to cool off, then hydrate some more.

Luis_El Oso_Graciano

For northeners dealign with the heat is as hard as it is for us tropical folk to deal with the cold. these are some good pointers https://elosoquelee.tumblr.com/post/655167618971582464/how-to-stay-cool-without-ac In adition a spray bottle with water and Ice sprinkled on your body will help.


Living in subtropic area, can't imagine a day without air conditioning.

Ben Berlin

I live in the Midwest and there's been a couple of years where we had week long 100's. Stay inside and stay safe. As much as I adore the zany antics of Twilight and her friends your wellbeing is infinitely more important. Anyone who actually seriously(not jokingly or fake emoting, those are fine) takes up your offer with the vegetables is likely an impatient bully and not worth listening to.