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So lets talk about the episode itself a bit.  "Hardscrabble" is an old term used for maybe being down on your luck, or working very hard for your lifestyle.  Some might even say poverty.  Well the Apple family is far from poverty, but I think we've been trying to flesh out the world more and hopefully you can tell the Apple's are indeed hard working farmers.  They are frugal with their money, saving for the future and for investments to help out the farm and family.  Long term thinkers.  So they penny pinch now for a better tomorrow.  But sometimes things go awry and they cut back on spending, which is seen here.  It won't go too deep into family's short on money (because the Apple's really aren't) but it will give  little connection to some readers.  Also the Apple's will be appearing more for this story arc.

Panel one has a picture on the wall that I personally chuckle at.  Some distant relative in front of a massive apple.  It actually ties to the real life setting of the AT&F series being tied to the American Pacific Northwest.  The region's unique climatic zones can allow for gigantism in vegetables and fruits.  That is pretty cool!  Who doesn't want a giant apple?

Also panel four is disturbing in what Sweetie Belle says... "Rarity has been drinking wine all week" is telling the reader things aren't all paradise over at Rarity's either.  We will touch on that soon enough too.




It happends when we found our beloved toasted bread in a great discount.


I also want to THANK YOU for noticing Scootaloo didn't have her wings. You posted it somewhere (I don't remember where) but we fixed it because you brought it up. :)