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 The story continues from last weeks post where Mira has gone missing and it's Sammy and Cass to the rescue. After speaking to Dan and finding out Mira worked the highway, Sammy and Cass go there to ask around. But they soon find no one will speak with them. Here we have some new characters. The highway whores.

They decide to call it quits for now, so Sammy uses her contacts to find out how she might be able to get the girls at the highway to talk. This leads her either to Simon, who will be making a return, or to the security office. This of course assumes you have met them, if not... well, Mira might be in trouble.

Another new character? This is P.C. Paige Williams, also known as "rookie cop". She is someone I have plans for in separate security missions and I thought I would include her here.

Sammy finds out that whores will not talk or give info to others for their own safety. The only way to get anything from them is to actually be a whore. This leads Sammy and Cass to the Funwear shop for some new outfits and a journey to the highway.

Arriving at the highway is now where the story ends. More next week.

On another note, some new bras have been added.

And yesterday, The Fixer was released 3 years ago so I decided to have a little celebration. I got a birthday cake and some snacks. So happy birthday Sammy and to another year of fun.



looking at 4th bra picture 🤩You heard my pleads. Greates game dev ever 🙏

sabastian alonso

I have a Suggestion well 2 if possable i feel like there should be a like an sex shop to buy toys for the player and robin and bigger but plugs amd other fun things the the player can use and walk around with

sabastian alonso

When at the school what clothes do i need to wear to talk to the girls or is that not in yet

K Nakajima

I'm late but congratulations for year 3!!! I love the way the new bras look and the highway outfits, making this has not been easy but we sure do appreciate it!


How can I contact Simon or where to find him?