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This week has been about getting Sammy and Robin to pay rent. First of all the landlord got an office.

I realised while taking this screenshot that Oskar is probably a bit too small.

Oskar also needs a way to track rent payments and if Sammy is ahead or behind so I have been working on that. I also got in Robin payments although this was a bit more time consuming than I expected. I wanted Robin to earn some money each week and not always have the money to pay the rent, so either she comes to an agreement or Sammy pays off the rest of her debt. But would Sammy be so kind?

Since Sammy has her own worries. She might not be able to afford to pay off for Robin. And considering there are more flatmates being added, Sammy might end up with their burden as well. 

I also got to working on a proper Blackjack game. Fortunately there are more than enough examples of the code online. So I have been working on the cards/board. But I will talk about that more next week.


K Nakajima

I like Blackjack!! nice!!! maybe once the card game gets finished we can have customiable sammy sets


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