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This week has mostly been spent adding, fixing or updating things in preparation for the 3.0 public release. One of which has been making it possible to gain origin specific perks in a natural way.

If Sammy allows her intelligence to stay too low for 15 consecutive days, she will trigger an even which gives her this perk. The commando and creampie lover also have similar requirements and can be gained through normal gameplay.

Plugging now also finally works. You can buy a plug off of Jaylee, go hide in a bathroom and try it out. It will give you increases in desire and show up in most CG scenes. Still working on getting them all done.

But the bulk of the work has been getting the gloryhole scenes all fully written. By the time you read this, the download links should be updated with these additions (unless you are too quick), so go check it out.

With the holidays coming up, this will probably be my last Sunday post until the new year, but of course a release is coming up so it wont be my last post of the year.


Jason Brown

How do i get a tanline for sam

Garrett Steffen

Thanks for the update! Small bug: scavenging in the school when the school is about to close will lock Sammy into a loop where see says the school is closing.