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So, the question is simple. Smaller, bigger or as they are? I did have more to say but I don't want my words to sway any votes, so I will talk about it afterwards and keep this short and sweet.



i know this maybe outlandish but how bout the ability to change them at the doc i mean i defintinly go to the doc to cut my hair so why not change breast size everybody gets the size they want


If we have to choose, I'd say the middle option. Preferably, I'd rather we get an option at game start, or Doc visit. I have my world building explanation on the Boys n Boobs article. The simple summary is: Girls are always complaining how some deposit fat in their boobs, while others get it in their waist, thighs, and butt. The Dr simply 'tweaks' where and how the fat deposits/burned with the engineered mallable body we possess.