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I don't think I have ever spoke about this before, but the way I write the stories is by setting up a basic framework of what I want to happen, then let the characters fill in all the details with very little planning from me. The characters involved are who guide the scenes and I just let it flow. This is commonly known as being a pantser writer.

So very often this means stories or events end up going in directions I had no idea about as the characters push the story in their own direction as I write. The most prominent example of this is when Sammy burns down all of Haven. I was just supposed to write a small fire scene to distract the guards and, an hour later, all of Haven is burned to the ground and I am wondering how in the world I ended up here?

Such was the case when writing some of the new Simon branches. He is impressed by your ability to get the job done for the Institute, so he offers you some extra work in helping him frame Bob. He needs naughty photos of you and him together and Sammy has the chance to accept.

Bob has been in the game since the first release, but since he was such a minor character we don't actually know much about him. He tries to strike up a conversation with you but easily leaves when he realises you aren't interested. So he is obviously into having fun in the pub but isn't pushy about it. Maybe a somewhat decent guy by Blaston standards?

With that in mind, I had to write him into a much more developed character while you are trying to seduce him. But much to my own and Sammy's surprise, he turned out to be quite a nice and likable person, leading to Sammy actually enjoying her date with him. It ends up very unclear if she is then with Bob for the job or just because she is having a great time. I'll let you decide when you end up on a little date with him. 

But personally I like how it turned out to the point where I am debating giving him actual art and having him as a recurring minor character in the pub. I will see how others feel before making that decision though. 

With all that said, all the new branches are all in, along with the post mission debrief and meeting with the psychologist along with the failure branch and police station events slightly updated.

On another note, I am investigating the possibility of showing options that are unavailable to the player and the reason why. This is very much a test feature and I have no idea if it will be in the release, but I want to have it in the test builds so I can get feedback. I will probably make a more detailed post about it during the week.

I just want to add in a few extra bits such as birth control and reinstate virginity from the surgery menu and a few stat modifications then it should be good to release. I will have the build out at some point this week, probably more towards the end but I hope sooner.



Bob as a recurring character? Y'know, I've felt for a while now that the pub needs stuff other than working or drinking beer alone, so I welcome the idea!


ik my idea isnt that good but anyone else think piercings would be cool like face piercings or a tattoo thing ik its kinda dumb to say i just think it'd be kinda cool like if you showed a tattoo in school you'd get in some sort of trouble lol