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While doing research on how these types of games are played, there were a few things that separate adult visual novels from traditional ones from a design perspective that I needed to be aware of. One of the major aspects is these types of games are often played one/no hands and sometimes with the text on auto. Others often skip a vast majority of the dialogue so they can get straight to the "juicy" bits.

So when it comes to giving a choice where the player needs to pick A or B, it requires them to manually pick something. If playing with limited hands, it requires the use of one and if skipping then it will stop things until a choice is made.

With this in mind, I made the design decision to have Sammy make most of the choices herself to not interrupt the flow of the game. If she is drunk then she will pick drunk choices, if horny, then horny choices, if in a bad mood... You get the idea. Only really giving the player choices when it really matters or Sammy is unable to make the decision herself.

This I felt also gave the game a unique aspect to The Fixer. With Sammy making choices it will lead to what is called "emergent storytelling". In short, this means a collection of random mini stories trigger throughout the course of the day to create a larger narrative with the players imagination filling in the gaps.

A simple example might be something like Sammy getting on the bus to school in the morning, but finds herself entangled by wandering hands. A more innocent Sammy will shove them away and take a mood hit, leading to her deciding to have a drink before class and starting the day off tipsy leading to who knows what. A more naughty Sammy might play along with the hands, get carried away, miss her stop and end up at the lake. Since she is at the lake already, may as well hang out at the beach and miss school. This whole interaction would have been guided by Sammy and the player would have had little/no chance to effect how it went other than the choice to get on the bus.

With all that said, since the start of The Fixer I never stop getting comments from players who want more control over Sammy and have a much greater role in the choices she makes. This can range from people just wanting to always have the option of vag/anal to those who want to micro every aspect of her life.

So I am making this post to gather feedback on what people think. Your written thoughts would be most helpful but I am also putting a poll up for those who don't want to write anything can have their voices heard.



I'm fine with some choices being limited by logical circumstances, but it should be clearer that there is a choice and that Sammy made that choice for X reason. I believe it's important for games that players understand the rules. Overall I'd like to have more influence on Sammy's choices than what I have seen (I last played several months ago).


I actually haven't voted either way because I feel like both options could be good. That said, at the risk of overcomplicating things... how about a combination, or multiple methods depending on the kind of choice being made? For example: - Straight stat checks may make sense when Sammy is given a quick decision to make (e.g. Jump out the Haven window, or how to deal with the Bullies). I think the only issue here for completionists is to make sure the stat check is signalled in some way - say with a little icon or message. - Having a range where Sammy auto-acts vs where Sammy relies on the player to direct her may make sense for checks where she has some more time, but not tons. Say, in the Bus scenario, between 0-25% Horny she automatically tries to escape, 75%+ automatically goes along with it, 25-75% it's player choice. - Full player choice, but with some modifier based on what Sammy actually wants to do, which I feel may make sense for options with even longer thinking time; Closer to the level of a player choosing whether to go park or work on the overworld, but within an option already. For example, a horny Sammy starting work may have the option of consciously being more flirty and risqué. Going against that may impact her confidence a little. Not-horny Sammy choosing to be flirty at work may impact her mood a little from having to fake it. These could also still lead into other stat checks which redirect the scene. Like, take the Bus scenario again - Sammy may auto-reject the groper, or you choose to avoid them, but because she fails some athletics or confidence check, she can't get away and now experiences it as more of a bad event. I feel like this does strike a balance between player choice and emergent storytelling, it's just that it feels like the player is still involved.


I really like how things are currently, it does make the game unique and stand out, all the stats playing a factor on what Sammy is willing to do and the choices she makes is what makes this game enjoyable and frustrating (in a fun way) to me. However, I would like some more control on the decisions that she makes even if the player puts themselves in the most slutty possible situations. having the option to be modest even if Sammy is a huge slut would be a great addition to the game. The only real problem i have with the game right now is all the forced vaginal scenes, I just wish that if you are a virgin, it would be forced anal instead. Especially if you're going to be adding scenes that can only play out if Sammy is a virgin (as in the future photoshoot event). or just remove virgin only scenes all together from the story so the player does not have to worry about forced vaginal sex scenes. Specific scenes include sitting on customers lap in bar with no panties and max drunk. Also during dare event with soccer boys while max drunk.


Your system is so compelling as it is, really something else. I really hope it remains part of the game, either in a peice of its old self or doubled down on. There was a time Sammy was too confident to get bullied and it took me a second to find that out. When i wanted the Cake, i cheated, got my cake, then went back to the game.


you could make the auto choice an option and have people opt in to binary choice. Or have it auto-choose expected choice unless a state woukd unlock it, do a "being drunk unlocks lewd options" or "being sad unlocks giving in options" . Still really hope this concept stays in the game though. This games design inspired me.


Isn't the fact that Drunk Sammy makes bad choices a big part of the Stick? Keep Sammy happy or she might fuck about? Maybe always have Drunk Sammy auto-choose. It opts into dangerous content for you because you messed up. But being Confident opts out of some bully content, which COULD be seen as a punishment for success in some way, These two examples could show a middle path.


I voted for player control because games with the player having more control over the story and personality of the MC are more replayable. On a second or subsquent play-through you can use a different strategy and find new story elements. I do like the idea that the MC can suprise the player with autonomous decisions. That adds some excitement and tension to the mix. Hopfully it is possible to either get the right balance or maybe have a setting to switch the decision making. I always pictured this as a potentially very replayable game.

Mena R.

You gonna hate me. Political type answer again. I'm gonna say, it depends. :) I can see where Amanda wouldn't consentually have sex with certain men/women under *any* circumstance. Like the bullies. So I would like control over that one -- at least to the point of resisting. But maybe stats like fitness/confidence level/alcohol consumption might mitigate her resistance. In some cases though she may already be too horny to resist in others and get seduced. Maybe then Sammy would rely on stats. But generally like in the waitress job, I definitely want me to make the choice for Sammy not to have sex with the majority of folks there.

John Jimmson

I voted for more control, but I definitely see your point about emergent storytelling as a result of autonomous decision-making. I think one way of handling this could be to add a mood/energy cost (or something along those lines) to certain options that go against how Sammy is currently feeling. For example, Sammy *could* refuse sex while horny and drunk, but doing so would require her to pay a cost in mood/energy since mustering the willpower to do so would be taxing. This allows players to make more meaningful decisions during gameplay whilst still incentivizing overall consistent characterization for Sammy. In this way, players who want a mostly autonomous character can just pick the "encouraged" decision (maybe marked with a special symbol?) while those who want a more involved role in the story can go off-road and pick what they like.


I like the way the game plays for the most part, but I'd prefer to have a choice when it comes to gangbanged on the bus. I generally play a rather promiscuous Sammy, but I prefer a choice of whether or not to engage in sluttery.

Chiaki Matsuda

I like the current system, but it could be made more understandable. E.g., do show the dialog screen briefly even if only one option is possible, so players see why the other options are not/no longer available to them. Skip mode should skip over that and auto mode proceed with the available option after a few seconds.


I would agree with you 100% if... there weren't virgin only scenes... there are none right now, but in a future photoshoot event, you have to be a virgin to unlock it. so either way you play the game, modest or slutty... you're going to miss out on content... but the thing is... you can play through the entire game as a virgin really easily... it would be rather boring, but once you've completed all the content in the game, you can then lose your virginity and go back and see all the content you missed. But if you play through the game "normally or as a slut... there is no going back to being a virgin again.... so in order to see the content you missed, you'll have to start a new game just to see a couple of events, not a huge deal now since the game currently is somewhat short, but imagine when the game is finished... how many hours you'll have to play through just to get to those scenes.


Im not sure i understand. Was this speaking to Drunk Sammy making bad choices and how some situations force you to be drunk if Sammy is unhappy? I cant part with the belief that the drunk/happiness loop has real legs as a game-play system. The sudden and unlucky loss of your V-Card will never lock you out of a path you want to take so long as you have auto saves and manual saves. This all said, the game is looking to be pretty repayable. if he cranked up the difficulty and added an Iron Man mode, id call it Christmas XD


I love the mystery, being along for the ride and seeing what she decides depending on her experiences


Perhaps if you can find a way to do it you could give the option to switch between the "Player Driven" and "Emergent Storytelling" styles, allowing players who want more precise control over the actions of Sammy so they can more easily follow a certain path (e.g. Virgin Sammy) to have it while players that want to see what happens or enjoy a more randomised game can have the stats determine choices in certain situations. Depending how much work it involves and how popular the option proves to be you could give different levels between complete choice and minimal choice with even things like the first mission choice having these options, so that a horny, drunk Sammy wouldn't even consider any option other than offering sex to complete the mission and taking that through its normal conclusion as in any other horny/drunk encounter while a sober Sammy in a low mood and lacking confidence would spend several hours nursing a beer, watching Simon and brushing off other men and fail the mission. Options with greater control might allow a drunk Sammy to attempt using the 'body' seduction or 'intelligence' dialogue options even if they would fail while sober Sammy knows they won't work giving the current options.