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So after trying for what feels like an hour, for some reason Premiere won't let me edit this video I planned on making for youtube because no matter the file type or whatever, when I import it, the file is just corrupted and the audio isn't there... So tbh I'm over it at this point... WITH THAT BEING SAID... I still want to post it so I am adding the mp4 to all my free posts over here on patreon cus OMFG THESE SONGS WERE AMAZING AND I NEED TO CHECK OUT THE ALBUM. MY FEAR OF REACTING LATE AND BEING SCARED TO CHECK IT OUT BECUASE I KNEW IT WOULD BE GOOD AND I WOULD BE OVERWHELMED WENT AWAY ENOUGH TO RECORD A VIDEO FOR IT AND IT WAS EVERY BIT AS OVERWHELMING AS I THOUGHT IT MIGHT BE... MERRY CHRISTMAS ON THE 12TH OF JANUARY EVERYONE ENJOY THE PRESENT :)

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/poseednldk5mn6j/2023-01-12%2011-30-31.mp4?dl=0


2023-01-12 11-30-31.mp4

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