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"You can feel the eyes of the great golden dragon glare down as you enter the restaurant, sound and smell assaulting your senses. The gaze of the dragon is both comforting and intimidating, as the wafting scent of steaming bao buns and sizzling succulent chicken envelops you.

The soft glow of the lighting and ornaments soaks everything in the restaurant, like being wrapped in a blanket of opulence. The dark polished tables almost look as if they've been set on fire, the surface burning as plates, drinks and arms are laid on them. The clientele is equally aglow, engaged and entranced by either the food or the company sat next to them.

Corporate executives discuss business around large white round tables whilst knocking back glasses of amber liquid, gang members with glistening tattoos stuff their faces during a respite between jobs, a man sits opposite an empty chair and a plate of food going cold."

~ SlappinFace

Dimensions - [14 x 19] grid squares 

1 square = 5 ft

Image size - 1960 x 2660 

DPI - 140

Howdy everyone!

January has been quite the month for me and life is keeping me busy and on my toes. I hope you've all been excellent and well. I know from historic yearly patterns, many of you are just starting to ramp up your TTRPG campaigns around this time - it's always great to see the community buzzing and coming out of hibernation after the holiday season(s).

For the final map of January, I present to you my latest creation in all its painterly glory. "The Dragon House Chinese Restaurant" is an establishment where your cyberpunk players can approach new fixers, do deals (or interrupt them) with different mafia mobs, gather intel, and pull off some Hong Kong Cinema-style fight scenes.

The battle map was requested by one of our regular Discord server members, 'Half Baked Cat'. The idea of a Chinese Restaurant battle map set in a cyberpunk setting was an immediate home-run for many of the community members over at Discord as well as myself. I've always wanted to draw a gold Chinese Dragon and this was the perfect opportunity to flex a bit.

PS: I managed to capture the initial few hours of my design process in a time-lapse video. Posted it at the top of this page. 

Where's The Kitchen?

Fret not people. A kitchen battle map is coming, imminently. Give me a week or so. The kitchen will be a standalone map with its own set of variants that should give gamemasters a many more game scenario and narrative options. Stay tuned!

Map Variants

Second Level & Ground Floor (Canopy)

This variant provides a canopy layer (in .PNG format) that you overlay on top of the ground floor base layer (provided) within your favorite VTT (virtual tabletop gaming software).

Flipped Tables

Okay. This is one is gonna be great for you guys who like messing with jigsaw puzzles.

I've taken 90% of the tables on the ground floor and flipped them into a defensive position, for either the players or the enemy. I've never created this many defensive barricades before but I know a lot of you love them so I went all out.

The flipped tables are broken down into small groups of rectangular tiles. There are 10 replaceable tiles in total that represent flipped tables across different areas of the restaurant. The VTT set up will be a little bit more tedious than you've been used to but the end effect should be worth it.

Anyway, that is all I have in terms of input for now. Let me know down below in the comments what you think of this battle map and how you plan to use it. Thank you again for all your support guys. Couldn't have done it without you all.

~ Frag

Patreon Supporter Downloads


  • Dragon House Chinese Restaurant - base map (watermark-free, full resolution, grid + grid-less formats)

Go to Bronze downloads section


  • Everything above plus…
  • Ground Floor
  • Upper Level Canopy (.PNG file with transparency)

Go to Silver downloads section


  • Everything above plus…
  • Flipped Tables - This includes:10 x flipped table tiles
    1 x map variant with all flipped tables baked in

Go to Gold downloads section


Fluffy the Gryphon

Seeing your workflow is fascinating. You are incredibly talented!

Lean Drox

Hi, how are you? I love your work! I wanted to ask you something that you might have been asked many times before. Is it possible to use maps in meters? Can we use a different DPI formula so that instead of 5 feet, the maps are well configured and scaled to 2 meters? It's because in Foundry and in Cyberpunk, the standard scale is in meters, and after so many years of using it that way, I got used to it being that way. Keep up the amazing work! Regards!


Hi Lean. Actually, you're the first person to actually ask about this :D The grid itself (1 square - 5 ft) is actually inconsequential, especially if you're using a VTT like Foundry. The square grid I've set is mainly for those people who want to print something up fast. In Foundry, you'll have to EYEBALL your meter grid sizes. In Cyberpunk Red, each square is roughly 6.4 feet. So it's just a little bigger than my 5 ft grid. I think I'm starting to ramble here but yeah - the answer is to eyeball your 6.4 ft squares based on the provided 5 ft square grid. That's what everyone here who uses my battle maps for CP Red does. If you need further assistance, join our Discord server. Someone there will definitely be able to provide you with better tips than I can.