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Image size - 5460 x 3920 px

Grid dimensions  - [39x28] (140 pixels per square)

Scale: 1 square = 5 ft

Hey everyone,

I am excited to present "The Container Warehouse" to you all. It's been a while since I’ve had to draw this many details on a cyberpunk battle map, but I think the embellishments really make it special. I’m pretty happy with the way this one turned out and I hope you guys feel the same about it.

A Remastered Warehouse With A Fight Club

The Cyber Warehouse was the second map I created after starting Frag Maps. Since then, I had received numerous requests to create a warehouse that wasn’t  futuristic looking but had more of a rustic look. This was a good opportunity for me to apply what I’ve learned over the past two years in illustration towards an old concept.

In addition, I was able to incorporate another popular map request: a fight ring (or arena). Instead of a stadium, I thought that it would be cool to have an underground fight club that was hosted in an old warehouse. People would stand atop crates and shipping containers to watch the fight.

How Long Did It take?

The Container Warehouse took me a full 14 days to complete which by my standards today, is long.  

A large chunk of time went into trying to find a complex yet pleasing lighting set up. There are just so many light sources in this piece: the outside light hitting the corner of the building, the orange incandescent overhead lights that help push the color saturation, and other multiple minor lights that all affect objects nearby in their own ways. I must admit, even I got a bit overwhelmed at some point.

Figuring out other details like the machinery. Trying to incorporate them (because they look cool and warehouses need them) without taking up valuable game play real estate.

Finally there are the figures in the Fight Arena variant. These were all hand drawn individually. Drawing these folks alone took almost a full day but it was fun giving each figure a personality of his/her own.

Map Chaining

This map easily chains with the following maps that I had created previously:

Slums (Ghetto) Markets

The Container Warehouse ties in perfectly with the Slums Markets. There is a passage to the east of that map that leads to this space.

Container Port

The Container Port is another good battle map to combine the Storage Warehouse with. Shipping containers that require longer term storage get moved into this warehouse. Both of these maps have a very similar vibe.

The Back Alley

The Back Alley was drawn a very long time ago and my art style had changed a lot along the way. Narratively speaking, this map chains well because of the loading docks that lead to an obvious old warehouse style facility.

Battle Map Variants

Container Shops

This map variant changes the narrative where the warehouse isn't just used for storage but as part of a live-in community. Shipping containers turned into housing and shopping stalls. Another place where a cyberpunk player might go to get some illegal wares. 

This variant makes the most sense when used in conjunction with the Slums Market map.

Fight Arena

Some space is cleared at the center of the warehouse to make space for an MMA-style "octagon" fight ring. Spectators place their bets at the stalls and then climb up the containers to get a better vantage point to watch the carnage.

It'll be fun if one (or two) of your players have to enter the ring and duke it out in order to gain favors, money or intelligence.

That's all I've got to say for now people. Let me know down in the comments below, how you plan to use the Container Warehouse in your campaigns!

Patreon Supporter Downloads


  • Container Warehouse (watermark-free, full-resolution, grid + grid-less formats)

Go to Bronze downloads section


  • All above +
  • Container Shops

Go to Silver downloads section


  • All above +
  • Fight Arena (multiple variants of this particular variant are provided, with small tweaks)

Go to Gold downloads section

Thank you to all you Patreon subscribers who continue to support the work I do. I couldn't have done this without you!



Christopher Chinn

Hi, I just joined on. I'm looking at running a Steel Hearts mech game in the next month or two and one nice thing is that half the maps here can work for mecha fights if there's no obvious things scaling to human size (desks, beds, lockers, etc.) so a lot of these industrial or outdoor maps should be really easy to drop in. Your maps look really good!

Maximilian Dünhölter

My absolute favorite when it comes to Cyberpunk Maps, perfect for our Shadowrun encounter. I'm very happy with the actual 'feeling' of your maps and how they inspire new sessions. Also, thank you for posting size and grid dimensions!


Very much welcome Max. Sometimes I get overwhelmed and forget to post the map dimensions. But don't worry, every single download folder states the map dimensions and the pixels per square as well. Thanks for letting me know you like the map!

Jordan Hall

Brilliant, and highly versatile, as usual!