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Hi my super-awesome supporters,

It's time again for a battle map drop! The last map of this month is a bar that is highly inspired by Cyberpunk 2077’s “Afterlife”. For copyright reasons obviously, I had to make this one my own. Welcome to the Dead Space bar my friends.

The Afterlife in the 2077 game was a morgue converted into a bar. Cold lockers repurposed as liquor shelves and bar fridges. More on the morgue connection below.

This is a place where most of your players might come for some for some R&R or to gain intel from the wide variety of patrons that frequent this establishment. One thing’s for sure, sitting down and having a few drinks will bring out the best in character roleplaying.

But, the Dead Space bar offers so much more. Close quarter combat, drug deal and illegal firearms raids, crime syndicate business meetings, and murder investigations just to name a few.

Map Narrative Chaining

You can literally throw this bar map into any scenario within your campaign, but what occurred to me when I started drawing this map was that it can be seamlessly connected to the Viper Club Nightclub! The bar could just be a quieter section of that expansive club.

In addition, the Afterlife was modelled off a morgue. Huh, what do ya know, it just happens that I drew a morgue battle map last year that also fits perfectly with the Dead Space bar. Click the links to check it out. 

Now, let's take a look at some of the fun variants that are part of this map pack. 

Battle Map Variants

Escape Hatch

Someone has ripped one of the panels off the wall to reveal a circuitry shaft. It’s a tight squeeze for an escape route. That someone, or something, would have to be small enough, but also incredibly strong. Or maybe the individual had a little bit of help?

This variant comes as a swappable tile to be used in your favorite virtual tabletop software (Roll20, Foundry VTT, Fantasy Grounds Unity etc). 

The Bar Brawl

A fight breaks out at the back part of the bar. Rubbish strewn and tables flipped. Traces of semi-dried blood puddles. What the heck went down here, and who was involved?

This variant comes in the swappable tile format. 

Bar Brawl (Pink)

Crime scene investigation light reveals pink traces of blood splatters that trail off towards the north exit.

This variant comes in the swappable tile format.

The Secret Meeting

Mysterious individuals meet behind closed doors. It is uncertain whether they’re dealing in illegal commodities or just having a friendly catch up, but one things for sure - this room is reserved for VIP’s only and they cost a heck of a lot to book.

This variant comes in the swappable tile format.

Patreon Supporter Downloads


  • Dead Space Cyberpunk Bar (watermark-free, full-resolution, grid + grid-less formats)

Go to Bronze downloads section


  • All above +
  • Bar Brawl (tile)
  • Bar Brawl (pink variant, tile)

Go to Silver downloads section


  • All above +
  • Escape Hatch (tile)
  • The Secret Meeting (tile)

Go to Gold downloads section

PS: I hope you guys like this one. Shoutout to all of you who’ve supported the creation of this battle map via my Patreon. Thank you so much!



Aidan Holloway

LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! It turned out so cool!!

Aidan Holloway

Of course! I actually have a plan to use this in the coming sessions so I'm super Hype! My players love your work!


Ayyy good shit. Love the bar brawl add-on. Gonna have to use this in one of my shadowrun games. :)


Just what I was needing for my 2020 game! Perfect timing! Looks fantastic!


Thank you TEchkilledme - I'm sure this battle map is going to become a staple in your game with recurring visits.


Looks terrific! Well done.


Great looking map - thanks choom!


Random query: is it a major hassle to add hex grids as an option on these maps? I’m firing up a Cyberpunk 2020 campaign and it seems to favor hex maps. I could probably figure it out on my own, so no stress. But thought I’d ask anyway 😎


I could but it’s something I’m not quite familiar with. It’s too niche and not AS many people use hex but if there was a large enough demand I could. It’s just easier to add your own hex grid within a VTT app - more flexible too.