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Hey all!

Here we go, last map of November and this marks the completion of this cyberpunk auto shop. 

To those who are new to this Patreon, please see - Auto Shop Garage Base Series Part 1.

I thought that this was going to be a simple one to draw but it turned out to be quite a challenge. Populating the space to make it appear lived-in takes a lot of time. I literally just finished finalizing the basement 10 minutes before typing this post for you guys.

I really do hope you have fun with this one. I would love to hear about how you incoporated this map into your campaign and what your players got up to.

Without further ado, here are your variants.

Map Variants

Upper Level

This is the living quarters and also the most secure space on the premises. With the height advantage and near-complete visibility of the auto shop's floor, this can be a good or bad thing. It all depends on whether your players are using this shop as their base or if they're raiding an enemy's hideout. 

The only perceptible way of getting to the upper floor is via the fire exit stairs on the ground level. 

I've provided two versions of this map: baked-in for those of you who like to print your maps and a .PNG overlay for you VTT users (i.e. Foundry, Roll20 etc). .PNG files are quite large however, so take note of that. 

The Basement

This is a space that some of you have requested in the past, thus I decided to add it now to this map pack, it made the most sense to me.

The basement is another location for your players to hangout or defend in a seige scenario. 

This basement is modular thus it can be utilised as a basement for many of my other maps. One that comes to mind is the "Convenience Store", which has a back alley and a doorway leading down. 

Backroom Captives

This variant of The Basement map changes the backroom medic bay into a captive area with solid steel cages. This is where your players can hold their captives, hostages, cyber-psycho's (or zombies), etc temporarily. 

Concealed Door

A large piece of tarp and an old arcade machine are used in creating a makeshift concealed door, to perhaps hide captives from the law or whoever decides to come looking for them. 

Door Revealed

This 'revealed' and concealed door variants are provided in dynamic tile formats. 

Patreon Supporter Downloads


  • Upper Level, baked-in and .PNG file. Full-sized battle map, grid + grid-less, watermark-free.

Go to Bronze downloads section 


  • All above +
  • The Basement

Go to Silver downloads section 


  • All above +
  • Backroom Captives
  • Concealed Door
  • Door Revealed

Go to Gold downloads section 

To all who are new here: this battle map was brought to you by my Patreon subscribers, for without their support I would not be able to work on these maps full-time. Thank you again so much, for your continued support.



Peyton Denisar

I have been using this as my players main base in Cyberpunk RED since one of them is a Tech with a focus on Vehicles. It is a staple of the entire campaign, thank you for your great work!


Thank you so much for letting me know my maps are being put to solid use Peyton!


Dumb question: do you have a fix day/week when each month's map drops?


Nope. It’s very organic. I usually publish soon as I’m done with it. This one took quite a quick to draw.


Perfection, as always.