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Welcome. This hub page was created to make it easier for non-patrons to peruse all the maps that have been previously released.

The bottom of this page includes content usage, terms and conditions.

Reminder: As my Patreon supporter, you gain access to all my previous maps at your pledged tier level. Your contributions each month are important as they allow me to continue drawing maps for the community, full-time.

Cyberpunk / Sci-fi Battle Maps Library

Links to battle map posts

Content Usage - Terms & Conditions (Updated 2/7/21)

Personal Use & Private Games

You may use and adapt the content for your personal (non-commerical) projects and private gaming sessions. If you choose to post what you have created online, you must include an attribution link (please see the following sections below).

Video Streaming & Podcast Usage

You may use non-watermarked versions of my maps and assets in video streams or podcasts such as YouTube, Twitch etc, but you must include an attribution link to https://www.patreon.com/fragmaps within the video description section.

If you are using the lower resolution, watermarked (free) versions of my maps, do ensure that Frag Maps watermark is visible in the video whenever the battle maps or assets are visible.

If you are using the watermarked version, you are not required to include an attribution link in the description section (though it would really help me out if you did).

Commercial License & Usage

You may not use my content in commercial products without my explicit permission. This includes physical and digital books, adventure modules, virtual tabletop libraries etc.

The commercial usage limitations also apply to maps purchased through marketplaces such as Roll20, DriveThruRPG etc.

If you would like to purchase a commercial license, please contact me via Patreon messages or one of the many social media platforms that I am a part of. Thank you.

Additional information

For unique circumstances not covered above, please contact me directly.

Collaborative content by other creators

The terms and conditions listed above does not cover material released as part of a collaboration, from other content creators. If you wish to use said content for commercial purposes, please contact the creators directly for further information.



Firstly these maps are fantastic. Now I am running a CP game they will be so useful. Especially the train one, as all the other train maps I've found look like the author has never been on a train before, or have something that is out of place - like a wooden table or toilets that look like they are from the 1800's. However, we really could do with a master file to download everything. Or maybe a moulinette integration for foundry. Going through one by one is so time consuming, especially if you want to catalog everything for easier searching later.


Running a Cyberpunk game and I Just discovered your maps. Where have I been!!!???


Welcome to the community my friend and thank you for supporting what I do 😊 I thought I was pretty well known in the cyberpunk space , I guess not (yet) 😞


LOL, apparently you are!, I am new Cpunk GM, everyone told me to come here asap!


Oh whew. Okay I don't feel so sad now. ☺️ Thanks for letting me know


Oh i also forgot to say - great that you've become a CP GM. You'll have a blast. Just ask a lot of questions and let the players build the world for ya. :)

Anthony Turner

Your maps are all I use, excellent work. Please keep sharing your work.

Maia Wilson

Do you create scene views of your maps or are they all top down view?

Alan Bothe

Just became a patron after drooling over your maps on Pinterest for a couple weeks. Keep up the amazing work!


Thank you for your comment Alan. Don't forget to join the Discord community, if you haven't already, by plugging your Discord username into your Patreon account. :D

Chris Hesson

Agreed, I just discovered these - amazing, perfect for my SWN campaign! I just became a patron!


Thank you Chris for your support. If you can, do join the Discord server so we can interact as a community.


I just went through downloading and cataloguing all the maps when I first became a patreon, and then I reset my computer, believing I backed up all the files on an external... Apparently I missed the folder, so now I gotta do it all again lol


Hi Martin. Try refreshing. Could be just Patreon acting up. I've verified that it's showing up over here on my phone and desktop. Let me know if it shows up after refreshing.