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This underground Ammo Bunker battle map has been on my checklist for quite some time now and was widely requested by many of you supporters - so here it is in all its glory!

I have always had a pretty good idea of how I wanted this map to look, in my head. It was to have a post-apocalypic feel, but still be well-suited to cyberpunk and certain sci-fi settings. In short, a map with loads of flexibility. 

I pictured crates loaded up with ammunition and futuristic rifles lined up in gun cages. A large hole in the ceiling would allow for some sunlight to pour into the room, and also foliage to creep in and down the walls. Now that it is complete, I reckon my vision was captured pretty closely.

Map Details

The bunker is a split level (6x12 square) space comprising of living quarters on the upper deck and a kitchenette and storage on the lower ground level. The deck is raised up from floor level by about 4 ft, so a person standing on the lower ground level would easily be able to see everything at deck level.

There are two entry & exit points on the map. I originally intended for the main entry to be from the south, with a flight of stairs in the north leading to another room. But depending on your RPG campaign, you could flip it around and make the main entry point the stairs. Again, flexibility.

The rusted door to the north west (next to the electrical switch board), can be utilized as a pill box to shoot out of but can also be treated as a safe room or storage room. In one of the map variants, I've included corrugated metal sheets camouflaging that area in case some of you GM's don't want there to be place your players can hole up in should danger arise.

The rest of the items are pretty self-explanatory. Have fun examining the details and let me know how you like them and how you would run a combat or investigative encounter on this map. Comment below.

Thanks again for your support!

~ FragMaps

PS: The second map to be published for June will be the winner from the last poll we all ran.



Ammo Bunker - Bronze supporters 

Rustic Camouflage (and above) - Silver Supporters 

All map variants - Gold + Supporters 




This is amazing.

Mark Pearce

Beautiful… but a very small space. Take ~4 players add a few npcs, and that leaves not a very playable location.


It’s not that small Mark. FYI, this map is the same size as the library map (in terms of squares). It might seem small because it has a lot of stuff stored in it. Think of this as a transitory or investigative map, rather than a full all out brawl map. Players might encounter something here and run to the next room which may be a long passageway or even a large hall.

Mark Pearce

I’d rather play on your awesome map than transition to my poor one. Just some hopefully constructive feedback back on the gameplay considerations.


This is so very extraordinary awesome! I am really in love with your work. And I really love all the stuff in the bunker. Forces everyone to get creative.


So uplifting to hear that. Thank you Loretta. Are you in the discord group btw?


Going to use that map soon! It fits perfect!


So happy to hear that. What sort of encounter will you use it for? What’s the scenario?