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Hi everyone. 

Thank you for your input on the Feb poll - the most-voted for was the "Bio Lab". So that is what will be released this month, along with another surprise map which will be part of a collaboration. 

The Patreon has received a surge of new members this month and I thought that it would be a great time to run a poll for March, to see what both old and new supporters prefer.

The first map in March will be of an old dilapidated rainy rooftop map that is heavily inspired by Bladerunner. This rooftop can be easily paired with the Market Street map that I released back in January, allowing you to run seamless scenarios from street level to rooftop. This will likely be yet another collab with WildMagicSurge (yes, more animated maps to come potentially!)

Please vote for which of these you'd prefer to see in March:


Tom Callahan

Ooo! Those are all so good! All of them, please. ;)


Torn on this one, Mansion and Ripper doc; ultimately Mansion is potentially more useful. whether its a visit to the Mega corp exc or the final for taking down a big bad. i would use it for a seige by mercs the PCs have to stop or as a location they must quietly infiltrate or as an the location they must assault.


Indeed. We can always insert the maps you guys request the most into the polls again, in the month after.